Manifestian Miracle

Why Do Women Leave Marriages?

If you look at the statistics about divorce, they are often quite shocking. According to the Huffington Post, women are 2/3 more likely to ask for a divorce than men are. The real question though, is why are women more likely to walk away from a marriage than men are? The opinions on this vary greatly. However, these are a few of the most common reasons women ultimately ask for divorce.

Cheating Husbands

A man who is cheating on his wife, doesn't necessarily want out of the marriage. If he can have his cake and eat it on the side, he's not inclined to rock the boat. If the shoe is on the other foot, however, and the husband finds out his wife is cheating, the story is a little different, though many men don't consider cheating to be quite the same betrayal the average woman does. Of course, not all marriages where the husband cheats end in divorce. It is, though, really difficult for women to move past, even if they initially try to work things out after the cheating occurs.

Money Matters

Money, in the Bible, is called the root of all evil. Whether or not you agree with that particular assessment, it is the number one cause of divorce and breakups worldwide. Women want security in their marriages. That includes financial security. It's not always a matter of men not making enough money, but may very directly be related to how you spend and/or save money.

Needs Not Met at Home

This is the primary reason women cheat and one of the big contributing factors to a woman seeking divorce. It's also more than a little unfair to the man because women are often not likely to tell you what those needs are so that you do have a chance to meet them. It's difficult for women, who are generally more intuitive than men are. She thinks you should somehow know what those needs are and is upset, and often hurt, that you aren't meeting them. The trick here is to find out what her needs are. Ask her if you must, and make sure you're meeting them at every opportunity to do so.

Reality doesn't Live up to Expectation

Men have a hard road job here. Before marriage, you work hard to woo your wife. You're always doing little things in an effort to get her attention and make her your wife. Once she's your wife, you often stop aiming to please in many ways. She's grown to expect those things from you and you've stopped delivering. It's the same level of disappointment you feel when she stops working so hard to stroke your ego. Real life often comes in and kicks all expectations of what married life will be like in the teeth.

Understanding why women leave can help you take the steps now to prevent your wife from asking for a divorce. Now is the time to take action so you can avoid the painful process of divorce and the risk of losing so much more than the woman you love.

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