Manifestian Miracle

Great Date Night Movies for Romance

While movies are not always the perfect date night choice, sometimes, when life is hectic, the DVD player and take-out from your favorite restaurant hits the spot quite nicely. Of course, you have to have the right date night movies to set the proper tone. Rather than going out and getting the latest Redbox blockbuster, consider these old standards instead.

Dangerous Liaisons

What movie offers more for a date night movie fest. Seduction. Intrigue. Scandal. It's all in there and more. The acting is superb. The film is engrossing. The time period is far removed from the every day. It's a great escape film the two of you can enjoy together - time and time again if necessary.


You'll have a hard time finding a better date night movie than one that will have her literally jumping into your lap. This film has all that and more. Adrenaline is a standard while watching the film that is well acted and features characters that are engrossing to say the least. After the film is over you can have a lot of fun staying up all night together because, really, who can sleep after watching that?

The Tourist

Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie. Need anyone say more? This movie is filled with twists, turns, and misdirection. Once you know how the story ends, it's worth going back and watching again to look for hints and clues. Great date night fun for a film that's hard to grow tired of.

The Blindside

This one is a "bring the box of Kleenex" film. While the story itself isn't sad, it is, at the very least poignant. This makes it a sure hit with ladies for date night and the combination of Sandra Bullock and football make it a great choice for the guys as well. The fact that it's based on a true story makes it all the more touching and a great night to have her feeling emotional and romantic.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Another great Angelina Jolie flick, this one also stars Brad Pitt. The movie itself is action packed and full of not-so-passive aggression. If only all couples could work out their marital difficulties so easily. It certainly will help you both appreciate the normalcy of your lives together.

Date night will never be a complete and total dud if you load up your DVD with any one of these great date night movie. Just remember that the purpose of date night is to spend time together so choose movies you're both likely to have at least some interest in watching.

Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!

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