If you want to get your ex girlfriend to come crawling
back to you on her knees (no matter why you broke up
and even if she’s with some other guy now) you need
to watch this video right away…
Click this to see the video right now!
The reason this video is so important
is because it teaches you the REAL reason you’ve failed to get
your ex girlfriend back so far…
And how to use tiny little text messages
to create a whole new relationship with her
(no matter how bad things were before.)
=> Watch it!
You’ve probably heard of Mike Fiore because
he’s kind of a celebrity. He’s been on The Rachael Ray Show,
was in a bunch of newspapers and magazines and is
“the man” when it comes to showing you
how to use this texting thing to crawl into a woman’s mind.
WHY he doesn’t want you anymore
If you want your ex-boyfriend back but can’t even get him to answer your calls, you
already know how awful it is…
That obsessive pain in your chest…
How you feel on the edge of tears every moment of every day…
How the thought of him talking to… touching…being with another woman just makes you sick…
The anger. The nausea. The horrible rejection.
And all those long, sleepless nights staring
at the ceiling wondering WHY…?
WHY did he leave?
WHY won’t he talk to you?
WHAT did YOU do to make him walk away?
And HOW do you get him back, loving you, adoring you
and promising never to hurt you like that again?
Well, if you really want him back (and I know how much you
do), then you need to stop everything and go watch this video
right now…
=> Watch the video!
The reason this video is so important is because it
teaches you the REAL reason he won’t come back
to you (and why everything you’ve tried so far
has backfired and pushed him further away from you.)…
PLUS it shows you how to seduce that one man
back into your life just by tapping out a few simple messages
on your cell phone (even if he never answers your texts
=> Click this to see the video!
The reason I like this “Text Your Ex Back” method
so much is because Mike tells you EXACTLY what to do so
you can’t really mess it up.…
Just take a deep breath, follow the steps and relax and you’ll
be amazed at how well it works to bring him back into
your life…
already know how awful it is…
That obsessive pain in your chest…
How you feel on the edge of tears every moment of every day…
How the thought of him talking to… touching…being with another woman just makes you sick…
The anger. The nausea. The horrible rejection.
And all those long, sleepless nights staring
at the ceiling wondering WHY…?
WHY did he leave?
WHY won’t he talk to you?
WHAT did YOU do to make him walk away?
And HOW do you get him back, loving you, adoring you
and promising never to hurt you like that again?
Well, if you really want him back (and I know how much you
do), then you need to stop everything and go watch this video
right now…
=> Watch the video!
The reason this video is so important is because it
teaches you the REAL reason he won’t come back
to you (and why everything you’ve tried so far
has backfired and pushed him further away from you.)…
PLUS it shows you how to seduce that one man
back into your life just by tapping out a few simple messages
on your cell phone (even if he never answers your texts
=> Click this to see the video!
The reason I like this “Text Your Ex Back” method
so much is because Mike tells you EXACTLY what to do so
you can’t really mess it up.…
Just take a deep breath, follow the steps and relax and you’ll
be amazed at how well it works to bring him back into
your life…
The text she can’t resist…
Stood there with your phone in your hand.
Looking at her name...
Trying to think of that one thing to text her to get her to come back to you…
And having no idea what to say…
If you really want her back, you need to go watch this video right now by my friend Michael Fiore…
=> Click to watch the video!
It shows you how to use Text Messages to crawl into your ex girlfriend’s mind…
Have her thinking of you (and only you)…
And draw her back like a tractor beam, no matter how bad your breakup was – even if she’s with somebody else now.
=>Get her back. Click this to see how!
Looking at her name...
Trying to think of that one thing to text her to get her to come back to you…
And having no idea what to say…
If you really want her back, you need to go watch this video right now by my friend Michael Fiore…
=> Click to watch the video!
It shows you how to use Text Messages to crawl into your ex girlfriend’s mind…
Have her thinking of you (and only you)…
And draw her back like a tractor beam, no matter how bad your breakup was – even if she’s with somebody else now.
=>Get her back. Click this to see how!
Want to Get Your Ex Back? Try This!
Movies and romance novels make it look so easy to get your ex back. We all understand that love goes wrong sometimes. But, if you really want to turn the tide for your relationship, you might have to switch up tactics a little bit and try something new and different. Don't let cheesy romantic movies and novels that are fantasy filled ruin your chances. Instead, take a moment to sneak a peek at real advice that gets real results.
Walk Away - And Don't Look Back
I'm not saying you shouldn't entertain the idea of getting back together with your ex or that you should even give up hope that you'll be able to accomplish your mission. However, you want to make your ex believe that you've given up -- that you aren't trying to fix things anymore.
Because that's really the only way your ex is going to recognize what it means to be alone. As long as you keep coming around or trying to make things right, your ex has the pleasure of your company and the certainty of your support. Walk away. Go through the motions of moving on with your life and let your ex see what life is like without you in it. More importantly, let your ex wonder who you're spending your time with now.
Start Investing in Yourself
During a relationship, people often spend so much time focused on the other person that you ignore the things you want or need. Now is the perfect opportunity to put a little time and attention to fulfilling your own wishes and needs whether they are educational, financial, career-related, or physical in nature. Put yourself first for a change and enjoy a return on investment that involves self-confidence, self-value, and a renewed sense of self-worth.
What most people don't realize is that this is a critical component of getting an ex back. When you start taking care of yourself and putting yourself first for a change, there are often visible changes the world will notice. Word travels quickly in some circles and your ex, unless he or she has relocated to a rock on Mars, is likely to hear about all the changes going on with you. Your ex is bound to be curious and curiosity usually works in your favor at times like these.
But, don't take the call, answer the email, or agree to meet your ex until you have a solid strategy in place to make the most of this meeting. Without the right plan in hand, you can undo all your hard work in one single phone call, conversation, or meeting.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Walk Away - And Don't Look Back
I'm not saying you shouldn't entertain the idea of getting back together with your ex or that you should even give up hope that you'll be able to accomplish your mission. However, you want to make your ex believe that you've given up -- that you aren't trying to fix things anymore.
Because that's really the only way your ex is going to recognize what it means to be alone. As long as you keep coming around or trying to make things right, your ex has the pleasure of your company and the certainty of your support. Walk away. Go through the motions of moving on with your life and let your ex see what life is like without you in it. More importantly, let your ex wonder who you're spending your time with now.
Start Investing in Yourself
During a relationship, people often spend so much time focused on the other person that you ignore the things you want or need. Now is the perfect opportunity to put a little time and attention to fulfilling your own wishes and needs whether they are educational, financial, career-related, or physical in nature. Put yourself first for a change and enjoy a return on investment that involves self-confidence, self-value, and a renewed sense of self-worth.
What most people don't realize is that this is a critical component of getting an ex back. When you start taking care of yourself and putting yourself first for a change, there are often visible changes the world will notice. Word travels quickly in some circles and your ex, unless he or she has relocated to a rock on Mars, is likely to hear about all the changes going on with you. Your ex is bound to be curious and curiosity usually works in your favor at times like these.
But, don't take the call, answer the email, or agree to meet your ex until you have a solid strategy in place to make the most of this meeting. Without the right plan in hand, you can undo all your hard work in one single phone call, conversation, or meeting.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Why Did My Girlfriend Cheat on Me?
The numbers on cheating are quite alarming if you look at modern statistics. The most alarming fact of all, for many men, is that the number of women who cheat almost equals the number of men who cheat. This is the first time that's happened in the history of humanity. The thing to remember is that the reasons women cheat are often very different from the reasons men cheat. These are a few of the most commonly stated reasons women cheat on their men.
She Needs Something Her Husband/Boyfriend Isn't Giving Her
We all have needs. It's human nature. Successful relationships are all about both parties having their needs met. This requires a major level of effective communication about your individual needs, what they are, and how those needs are best met. And that's a challenge for many couples. A big one.
The other challenge is that she doesn't always know what that need is until someone comes along and leaves her completely gobsmacked by meeting it. It's hard to compete with that. However, that doesn't excuse her cheating either. It just makes her vulnerable to the person who is meeting this need she's had that's left her unfulfilled for so long.
He Pays Attention
Women who cheat often feel lonely despite being married. You may not be the greatest conversationalist, but when you stop paying attention to your wife and what she has to say, it leaves her feeling lonely, alone, and isolated.
It makes her the perfect fodder for a man interested in a "string free" relationship with a married women or for a man who really has his eye on the prize your wife really is. All he has to do to make her putty in his hands is pay attention to her, listen to what she has to say, and respond in a positive manner.
She Feels Like She's Being Taken for Granted at Home
Many women feel unappreciated at home. She feels like her efforts aren't noticed or appreciated by her family and her husband. She feels like it's always taken for granted that she'll be there and that no one really cares that she is.
Then a stranger comes along and shows appreciation, makes her feel like the center of the universe, and really notices the little things. She's no longer feeling taken for granted. In fact, she's feeling a wide range of emotions she hasn't felt in a long time, the most important of which is excitement.
Women are less likely to cheat simply because the opportunity presents itself. More often than not, it isn't a spur of the moment decisions and it isn't often casual. That's why women's affairs are often more devastating to the state of the marriage than a man's affair. Actively work to prevent this from happening by paying attention to your wife, noticing the details, showing your appreciation, and dedicating yourself to discovering and meeting her most important needs. You'll be amazed what a difference these steps make in your marriage and your relationship.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
She Needs Something Her Husband/Boyfriend Isn't Giving Her
We all have needs. It's human nature. Successful relationships are all about both parties having their needs met. This requires a major level of effective communication about your individual needs, what they are, and how those needs are best met. And that's a challenge for many couples. A big one.
The other challenge is that she doesn't always know what that need is until someone comes along and leaves her completely gobsmacked by meeting it. It's hard to compete with that. However, that doesn't excuse her cheating either. It just makes her vulnerable to the person who is meeting this need she's had that's left her unfulfilled for so long.
He Pays Attention
Women who cheat often feel lonely despite being married. You may not be the greatest conversationalist, but when you stop paying attention to your wife and what she has to say, it leaves her feeling lonely, alone, and isolated.
It makes her the perfect fodder for a man interested in a "string free" relationship with a married women or for a man who really has his eye on the prize your wife really is. All he has to do to make her putty in his hands is pay attention to her, listen to what she has to say, and respond in a positive manner.
She Feels Like She's Being Taken for Granted at Home
Many women feel unappreciated at home. She feels like her efforts aren't noticed or appreciated by her family and her husband. She feels like it's always taken for granted that she'll be there and that no one really cares that she is.
Then a stranger comes along and shows appreciation, makes her feel like the center of the universe, and really notices the little things. She's no longer feeling taken for granted. In fact, she's feeling a wide range of emotions she hasn't felt in a long time, the most important of which is excitement.
Women are less likely to cheat simply because the opportunity presents itself. More often than not, it isn't a spur of the moment decisions and it isn't often casual. That's why women's affairs are often more devastating to the state of the marriage than a man's affair. Actively work to prevent this from happening by paying attention to your wife, noticing the details, showing your appreciation, and dedicating yourself to discovering and meeting her most important needs. You'll be amazed what a difference these steps make in your marriage and your relationship.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Why Do Women Leave Marriages?
If you look at the statistics about divorce, they are often quite shocking. According to the Huffington Post, women are 2/3 more likely to ask for a divorce than men are. The real question though, is why are women more likely to walk away from a marriage than men are? The opinions on this vary greatly. However, these are a few of the most common reasons women ultimately ask for divorce.
Cheating Husbands
A man who is cheating on his wife, doesn't necessarily want out of the marriage. If he can have his cake and eat it on the side, he's not inclined to rock the boat. If the shoe is on the other foot, however, and the husband finds out his wife is cheating, the story is a little different, though many men don't consider cheating to be quite the same betrayal the average woman does. Of course, not all marriages where the husband cheats end in divorce. It is, though, really difficult for women to move past, even if they initially try to work things out after the cheating occurs.
Money Matters
Money, in the Bible, is called the root of all evil. Whether or not you agree with that particular assessment, it is the number one cause of divorce and breakups worldwide. Women want security in their marriages. That includes financial security. It's not always a matter of men not making enough money, but may very directly be related to how you spend and/or save money.
Needs Not Met at Home
This is the primary reason women cheat and one of the big contributing factors to a woman seeking divorce. It's also more than a little unfair to the man because women are often not likely to tell you what those needs are so that you do have a chance to meet them. It's difficult for women, who are generally more intuitive than men are. She thinks you should somehow know what those needs are and is upset, and often hurt, that you aren't meeting them. The trick here is to find out what her needs are. Ask her if you must, and make sure you're meeting them at every opportunity to do so.
Reality doesn't Live up to Expectation
Men have a hard road job here. Before marriage, you work hard to woo your wife. You're always doing little things in an effort to get her attention and make her your wife. Once she's your wife, you often stop aiming to please in many ways. She's grown to expect those things from you and you've stopped delivering. It's the same level of disappointment you feel when she stops working so hard to stroke your ego. Real life often comes in and kicks all expectations of what married life will be like in the teeth.
Understanding why women leave can help you take the steps now to prevent your wife from asking for a divorce. Now is the time to take action so you can avoid the painful process of divorce and the risk of losing so much more than the woman you love.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Cheating Husbands
A man who is cheating on his wife, doesn't necessarily want out of the marriage. If he can have his cake and eat it on the side, he's not inclined to rock the boat. If the shoe is on the other foot, however, and the husband finds out his wife is cheating, the story is a little different, though many men don't consider cheating to be quite the same betrayal the average woman does. Of course, not all marriages where the husband cheats end in divorce. It is, though, really difficult for women to move past, even if they initially try to work things out after the cheating occurs.
Money Matters
Money, in the Bible, is called the root of all evil. Whether or not you agree with that particular assessment, it is the number one cause of divorce and breakups worldwide. Women want security in their marriages. That includes financial security. It's not always a matter of men not making enough money, but may very directly be related to how you spend and/or save money.
Needs Not Met at Home
This is the primary reason women cheat and one of the big contributing factors to a woman seeking divorce. It's also more than a little unfair to the man because women are often not likely to tell you what those needs are so that you do have a chance to meet them. It's difficult for women, who are generally more intuitive than men are. She thinks you should somehow know what those needs are and is upset, and often hurt, that you aren't meeting them. The trick here is to find out what her needs are. Ask her if you must, and make sure you're meeting them at every opportunity to do so.
Reality doesn't Live up to Expectation
Men have a hard road job here. Before marriage, you work hard to woo your wife. You're always doing little things in an effort to get her attention and make her your wife. Once she's your wife, you often stop aiming to please in many ways. She's grown to expect those things from you and you've stopped delivering. It's the same level of disappointment you feel when she stops working so hard to stroke your ego. Real life often comes in and kicks all expectations of what married life will be like in the teeth.
Understanding why women leave can help you take the steps now to prevent your wife from asking for a divorce. Now is the time to take action so you can avoid the painful process of divorce and the risk of losing so much more than the woman you love.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Four Ways To Make Your Man Feel Like He's the King of Your Castle
It doesn't take long for most women to figure out the dynamics of your relationship. Your man feels best, when he feels as though he's large and in charge around the house. Perhaps it's a respect issue. Perhaps it's simply something that's been ingrained in the mail psyche since the Cro-Magnon phase. Regardless, the need still exists for men to at least believe they rule the roost. Here are a few things you can do to make your man feel like he's definitely the king of your castle.
1) Give him your loyalty. Loyalty is perhaps the most important thing your man expects from you. Don't sit around with girlfriends talking bad about him. Lift him up in your words, thoughts, and actions. It will make a world of difference for you and for him.
2) Show him your respect. Respect is just as important for the average man as loyalty. When you respect him, you're always trying to earn his respect in return. It's a state of mind thing. However, when you SHOW him your respect, you're giving him the exact type of affirmation of your love he needs in order to remain confident in your love for him and his role in the family.
3) Stop NAGGING. He hates his more than you know. Not only does it make him FEEL disrespected, it also shows him that you're not respecting the many things he does to keep your family in ship-shape. Nagging, in his eyes, is simply pointing out the ways you think he's failing or letting you down. Most of the time, it makes him that much more determined not to do the thing you want accomplished and it creates a vicious cycle of unhappiness all around. Find another way to accomplish your goals if asking once isn't getting it done. It will save your relationship a great deal of conflict and will spare ill will on both sides of the equation.
4) Tell him how you feel. How long has it been since you've made the effort to tell your man how glad you are that he's in your life. Let him know how many ways he makes your life better. Inform him of just how much you admire and respect him. Flatter him. Boost his ego. And remind him just how happy you are to be part of his life -- and how glad you are that he is part of yours.
You don't have to debase yourself in order to let him be king of your castle. You don't have to grovel at his feet or bow down before him. You don't even have to do the Wayne's World "We're not worthy!" montage. You just have to do these four things and he'll never need to wonder about his place in your heart and mind.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
1) Give him your loyalty. Loyalty is perhaps the most important thing your man expects from you. Don't sit around with girlfriends talking bad about him. Lift him up in your words, thoughts, and actions. It will make a world of difference for you and for him.
2) Show him your respect. Respect is just as important for the average man as loyalty. When you respect him, you're always trying to earn his respect in return. It's a state of mind thing. However, when you SHOW him your respect, you're giving him the exact type of affirmation of your love he needs in order to remain confident in your love for him and his role in the family.
3) Stop NAGGING. He hates his more than you know. Not only does it make him FEEL disrespected, it also shows him that you're not respecting the many things he does to keep your family in ship-shape. Nagging, in his eyes, is simply pointing out the ways you think he's failing or letting you down. Most of the time, it makes him that much more determined not to do the thing you want accomplished and it creates a vicious cycle of unhappiness all around. Find another way to accomplish your goals if asking once isn't getting it done. It will save your relationship a great deal of conflict and will spare ill will on both sides of the equation.
4) Tell him how you feel. How long has it been since you've made the effort to tell your man how glad you are that he's in your life. Let him know how many ways he makes your life better. Inform him of just how much you admire and respect him. Flatter him. Boost his ego. And remind him just how happy you are to be part of his life -- and how glad you are that he is part of yours.
You don't have to debase yourself in order to let him be king of your castle. You don't have to grovel at his feet or bow down before him. You don't even have to do the Wayne's World "We're not worthy!" montage. You just have to do these four things and he'll never need to wonder about his place in your heart and mind.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Four Simple Things You Can Do To Make Your Girl Feel Special
Successful relationships aren't always about perfect matches, fewer fights, or zero conflicts in the relationships. They're often about how you make each other FEEL. If you feel disrespected or scorned by your wife, you're not going to feel good about your relationship. You're not going to want to stay.
Women often FEEL, whether or not they really are, as though they're taken for granted, inferior, or second place in the lives of the men they love. Those are the moments when they cry into their pillows because they feel as though no matter how much they give, work, and try, it's never enough. That's why it's so important for you to do simple things like these to make her FEEL as special as she is to you.
1) Leave her silly little love notes. I bet you did this when you first started dating. How long has it been since you've done it? Not text messages or emails. Hand-written little love notes. On sticky notes, bathroom mirrors, or even cocktail napkins. They donít have to be deep and profound. They just need to exist.
2) Give her fun awards. Let her know how much you appreciate the things she does around the house (cleaning, cooking, taking care of the children) by coming home with bars of chocolate, gourmet coffee drinks, blue ribbons, or tiny tokens of appreciation. You don't have to spend a lot of money to make her feel special. It's rarely about the money and always about how you make her feel.
3) Become "Mr. Mom" one night a week. It sounds like a huge imposition. It may even go against your grain. However, the rewards of giving her this one night a week off, will be well worth your sacrifice. Give her one night to relax, rest, and not be the one making all the household decisions for an evening. If Michael Keaton could do it back in the 1980's, you've got this!
4) Tell her how you really feel. I know, the strong silent type is what women want. It's true. However, she doesn't want you quiet all the time. She may never acknowledge to you how much it means to her to hear these words, but they matter to her -- a LOT! If you want to make her heart swell with pride in a job well done and to fill her head with the knowledge that she is loved and appreciated by you, the number one way to make the message clear is in your own words.
Making your girl feel like she's queen of your world doesn't require you to go out of your way or to rob the biggest bank in town. These simple things will do the trick in grand fashion. This time, the tears she cries will be tears of happiness and contentment -- not tears of frustration and futility.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Women often FEEL, whether or not they really are, as though they're taken for granted, inferior, or second place in the lives of the men they love. Those are the moments when they cry into their pillows because they feel as though no matter how much they give, work, and try, it's never enough. That's why it's so important for you to do simple things like these to make her FEEL as special as she is to you.
1) Leave her silly little love notes. I bet you did this when you first started dating. How long has it been since you've done it? Not text messages or emails. Hand-written little love notes. On sticky notes, bathroom mirrors, or even cocktail napkins. They donít have to be deep and profound. They just need to exist.
2) Give her fun awards. Let her know how much you appreciate the things she does around the house (cleaning, cooking, taking care of the children) by coming home with bars of chocolate, gourmet coffee drinks, blue ribbons, or tiny tokens of appreciation. You don't have to spend a lot of money to make her feel special. It's rarely about the money and always about how you make her feel.
3) Become "Mr. Mom" one night a week. It sounds like a huge imposition. It may even go against your grain. However, the rewards of giving her this one night a week off, will be well worth your sacrifice. Give her one night to relax, rest, and not be the one making all the household decisions for an evening. If Michael Keaton could do it back in the 1980's, you've got this!
4) Tell her how you really feel. I know, the strong silent type is what women want. It's true. However, she doesn't want you quiet all the time. She may never acknowledge to you how much it means to her to hear these words, but they matter to her -- a LOT! If you want to make her heart swell with pride in a job well done and to fill her head with the knowledge that she is loved and appreciated by you, the number one way to make the message clear is in your own words.
Making your girl feel like she's queen of your world doesn't require you to go out of your way or to rob the biggest bank in town. These simple things will do the trick in grand fashion. This time, the tears she cries will be tears of happiness and contentment -- not tears of frustration and futility.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Five First-Date Friendly Venues - For the Second Time Around
When you're getting back together with your ex there's a fine line that you must walk between doing things the old way and making a fresh start together. Sometimes it's best to part with the old completely and go for something completely new and different. Something you've never done together before. If you've already tried some of these things, skip those in favor of making new memories together and avoiding possible stigmas or negative emotions tied to things you've tried in the past.
1) Roller-skating or ice-skating. Both activities are physical activities that can be a lot of fun, at any age, provided you both come into it with open minds and expecting to have a good time together. More importantly, it gives you the opportunity to hold hands, to talk, and to rediscover that "sense of fun" that flows out of relationships when times are tough.
2) Rodeo. Depending on where you are in the world, rodeos offer a chance to cheer for the underdog, to laugh at the antics of the clowns, and the rush of adrenaline that almost always accompanies danger or risk. All from the relative safety of bleacher seats. Besides, what girl doesn't love ponies?
3) Hot air balloon ride. Few options available to you are more romantic than a hot air balloon ride. It's a great way to literally get above it all and see how small your problems really are from a bird's-eye view.
4) Sailing, canoeing, or white water rafting. Unless you live in a desert climate, the odds are good that there is some venue for one of these activities nearby. Water can be romantic and fun. The time you spend together doing this is time you're not likely to forget. It's a great opportunity to spend time together, talk, or simple enjoy the ride -- and the company.
5) Minor league sporting event. Skip the high price tag and huge crowds of the average major league sporting venue. Attending a minor league sporting event allows you both to cheer for the home team without breaking the bank. More importantly, the smaller crowds give you time to talk to each other a little before, during, and after the game. You get the benefit of watching favorite sports, such as hockey, baseball, football, and even soccer, without the downside of big league games.
Great dates don't just happen. They're made. It takes more than a great location though to make your first date - the second time around - truly stand out from the crowd. These venues are a great start, but it's up to you to really make this date sparkle and shine. Be on your best behavior. Treat your date well. Avoid danger zones or hot topics. And remember to have fun and remind your ex why he or she
fell in love with you in the first place.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
1) Roller-skating or ice-skating. Both activities are physical activities that can be a lot of fun, at any age, provided you both come into it with open minds and expecting to have a good time together. More importantly, it gives you the opportunity to hold hands, to talk, and to rediscover that "sense of fun" that flows out of relationships when times are tough.
2) Rodeo. Depending on where you are in the world, rodeos offer a chance to cheer for the underdog, to laugh at the antics of the clowns, and the rush of adrenaline that almost always accompanies danger or risk. All from the relative safety of bleacher seats. Besides, what girl doesn't love ponies?
3) Hot air balloon ride. Few options available to you are more romantic than a hot air balloon ride. It's a great way to literally get above it all and see how small your problems really are from a bird's-eye view.
4) Sailing, canoeing, or white water rafting. Unless you live in a desert climate, the odds are good that there is some venue for one of these activities nearby. Water can be romantic and fun. The time you spend together doing this is time you're not likely to forget. It's a great opportunity to spend time together, talk, or simple enjoy the ride -- and the company.
5) Minor league sporting event. Skip the high price tag and huge crowds of the average major league sporting venue. Attending a minor league sporting event allows you both to cheer for the home team without breaking the bank. More importantly, the smaller crowds give you time to talk to each other a little before, during, and after the game. You get the benefit of watching favorite sports, such as hockey, baseball, football, and even soccer, without the downside of big league games.
Great dates don't just happen. They're made. It takes more than a great location though to make your first date - the second time around - truly stand out from the crowd. These venues are a great start, but it's up to you to really make this date sparkle and shine. Be on your best behavior. Treat your date well. Avoid danger zones or hot topics. And remember to have fun and remind your ex why he or she
fell in love with you in the first place.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Three Ways to Really Get Your Husband's Attention
Getting his attention was once an easy thing to do. In the early days of your marriage, you seemed to have it all the time. There were even times when you secretly wished you could have a little less of it. Lately, however, things have changed and he seems more content to work in the garage, absorb himself in video games, or assume his position as king of the Lazy-boy with remote in hand than to pay attention to you. What went wrong? And, what can you do to get his attention all over again?
The good news for you, is that all relationships have their ups and downs. It's a normal cycle. The better news, is that it's not beyond your control to take the upper hand and make sure you have his attention now, and any other time when other issues seem to be horning in on your time with your husband.
1) Feed him.
Debi Gutierrez is a very funny comedian who understands the male psyche pretty well. She believes there are only two things you can do to really get his attention and make him happy. Feeding him is one of those things. It doesn't take much imagination to come up with the other. The thing is, it isn't all about whether or not you offer him food. It's about the kind of food you offer him. Men are lusty creatures. It shows in their appetite for you as well as their appetite for food. You can't feed him the things that leave you feeling deprived for dinner and expect him to be happy with the results. Give him real food made for his appetites and see what a difference it makes in the attention he pays you.
2) Compliment him.
Pay him a compliment. Tell him how much the little things he does really mean to you. Let him know that you appreciate the way he takes care of you and your family. Tell him how much he means to you. Women are often credited with being the sentimental ones in relationships. You often forget that men need to hear these words of affirmation and appreciation just as much as you need to hear them. Not only does this set an amazing example for him to follow but it also lets him know how you really feel about the things he does for you and for your marriage.
3) Make yourself available to him.
While we do not live in the day and age of wives submitting to their husbands in the literal sense, there is still something that touches a man above and beyond all else for you to make the first move. For you to be the one offering him what he wants from you. Make the first move. If it doesn't get his attention at first, make your offer a little bolder. Most men do not need to be asked twice though.
Getting his attention is the easy part. Keeping it, despite all the distractions that impact relationships today is where the road gets a little rockier. Remember these tips whenever his attention starts to stray again and you're sure to keep your marriage on the right path now and down the road.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
The good news for you, is that all relationships have their ups and downs. It's a normal cycle. The better news, is that it's not beyond your control to take the upper hand and make sure you have his attention now, and any other time when other issues seem to be horning in on your time with your husband.
1) Feed him.
Debi Gutierrez is a very funny comedian who understands the male psyche pretty well. She believes there are only two things you can do to really get his attention and make him happy. Feeding him is one of those things. It doesn't take much imagination to come up with the other. The thing is, it isn't all about whether or not you offer him food. It's about the kind of food you offer him. Men are lusty creatures. It shows in their appetite for you as well as their appetite for food. You can't feed him the things that leave you feeling deprived for dinner and expect him to be happy with the results. Give him real food made for his appetites and see what a difference it makes in the attention he pays you.
2) Compliment him.
Pay him a compliment. Tell him how much the little things he does really mean to you. Let him know that you appreciate the way he takes care of you and your family. Tell him how much he means to you. Women are often credited with being the sentimental ones in relationships. You often forget that men need to hear these words of affirmation and appreciation just as much as you need to hear them. Not only does this set an amazing example for him to follow but it also lets him know how you really feel about the things he does for you and for your marriage.
3) Make yourself available to him.
While we do not live in the day and age of wives submitting to their husbands in the literal sense, there is still something that touches a man above and beyond all else for you to make the first move. For you to be the one offering him what he wants from you. Make the first move. If it doesn't get his attention at first, make your offer a little bolder. Most men do not need to be asked twice though.
Getting his attention is the easy part. Keeping it, despite all the distractions that impact relationships today is where the road gets a little rockier. Remember these tips whenever his attention starts to stray again and you're sure to keep your marriage on the right path now and down the road.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Great Date Night Movies for Romance
While movies are not always the perfect date night choice, sometimes, when life is hectic, the DVD player and take-out from your favorite restaurant hits the spot quite nicely. Of course, you have to have the right date night movies to set the proper tone. Rather than going out and getting the latest Redbox blockbuster, consider these old standards instead.
Dangerous Liaisons
What movie offers more for a date night movie fest. Seduction. Intrigue. Scandal. It's all in there and more. The acting is superb. The film is engrossing. The time period is far removed from the every day. It's a great escape film the two of you can enjoy together - time and time again if necessary.
You'll have a hard time finding a better date night movie than one that will have her literally jumping into your lap. This film has all that and more. Adrenaline is a standard while watching the film that is well acted and features characters that are engrossing to say the least. After the film is over you can have a lot of fun staying up all night together because, really, who can sleep after watching that?
The Tourist
Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie. Need anyone say more? This movie is filled with twists, turns, and misdirection. Once you know how the story ends, it's worth going back and watching again to look for hints and clues. Great date night fun for a film that's hard to grow tired of.
The Blindside
This one is a "bring the box of Kleenex" film. While the story itself isn't sad, it is, at the very least poignant. This makes it a sure hit with ladies for date night and the combination of Sandra Bullock and football make it a great choice for the guys as well. The fact that it's based on a true story makes it all the more touching and a great night to have her feeling emotional and romantic.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Another great Angelina Jolie flick, this one also stars Brad Pitt. The movie itself is action packed and full of not-so-passive aggression. If only all couples could work out their marital difficulties so easily. It certainly will help you both appreciate the normalcy of your lives together.
Date night will never be a complete and total dud if you load up your DVD with any one of these great date night movie. Just remember that the purpose of date night is to spend time together so choose movies you're both likely to have at least some interest in watching.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Dangerous Liaisons
What movie offers more for a date night movie fest. Seduction. Intrigue. Scandal. It's all in there and more. The acting is superb. The film is engrossing. The time period is far removed from the every day. It's a great escape film the two of you can enjoy together - time and time again if necessary.
You'll have a hard time finding a better date night movie than one that will have her literally jumping into your lap. This film has all that and more. Adrenaline is a standard while watching the film that is well acted and features characters that are engrossing to say the least. After the film is over you can have a lot of fun staying up all night together because, really, who can sleep after watching that?
The Tourist
Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie. Need anyone say more? This movie is filled with twists, turns, and misdirection. Once you know how the story ends, it's worth going back and watching again to look for hints and clues. Great date night fun for a film that's hard to grow tired of.
The Blindside
This one is a "bring the box of Kleenex" film. While the story itself isn't sad, it is, at the very least poignant. This makes it a sure hit with ladies for date night and the combination of Sandra Bullock and football make it a great choice for the guys as well. The fact that it's based on a true story makes it all the more touching and a great night to have her feeling emotional and romantic.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Another great Angelina Jolie flick, this one also stars Brad Pitt. The movie itself is action packed and full of not-so-passive aggression. If only all couples could work out their marital difficulties so easily. It certainly will help you both appreciate the normalcy of your lives together.
Date night will never be a complete and total dud if you load up your DVD with any one of these great date night movie. Just remember that the purpose of date night is to spend time together so choose movies you're both likely to have at least some interest in watching.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Will She Be Able to Forgive Me for Cheating?
Cheating is a hard thing for the average woman to forgive. It´s not just the breaking of the marriage vows that is difficult for her to forgive. No matter what she says, there is more to it than that.
Women are complicated creatures. There is no denying that. Their reason for having such a difficult time forgiving affairs is surprisingly uncomplicated and straightforward. Your affair hits her where she hurts most her confidence. It leaves her shaken, vulnerable, and insecure in your love for her and everything she believed to be true about your love for her.
The key is to overcome that shaken confidence. It is only once you are able to restore the lost confidence that she will be able to move on and finally forgive you for cheating.
Sound like a tall order?
You better believe it can be. But, that does not mean it´s impossible. In fact, quite the opposite is true. You can do a few little things each day that will, slowly but surely, restore her faith in you, your love, and your relationship.
Where do you begin?
Start with simple words affirming your love for her. Tell her as often as she will hear it. Don´t beg. Don´t berate. Don´t offer excuses. Simply let her know she is loved by you.
Show her how you really feel. Small gestures often matter most. Write her little love notes. Serve breakfast in bed. Give her a night (or morning) off by taking over her typical duties for that night and morning. Start a weekly date night and do something bigger, better, and more than dinner and a movie.
Make her a priority in your life. You lead a busy life. You are often busy providing for your family. You think you are doing the right thing. Then, one day, you discover that your family feels like you have abandoned them. You are hurt. They are hurt. Everyone is hurt. Take time to appreciate what you have now rather than using it up preparing for a future that is so uncertain.
If you have not already, end the affair. There is no future for your marriage and no forgiveness that is going to come as long as the affair continues. End it. Then focus your full, undivided attention on repairing your marriage once and for all.
These little things might not seem like a big deal. They don´t involve pricy purchases, expensive gifts, or hours of endless (and mostly useless) groveling. They are as straightforward and shockingly effective for gaining her forgiveness.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Women are complicated creatures. There is no denying that. Their reason for having such a difficult time forgiving affairs is surprisingly uncomplicated and straightforward. Your affair hits her where she hurts most her confidence. It leaves her shaken, vulnerable, and insecure in your love for her and everything she believed to be true about your love for her.
The key is to overcome that shaken confidence. It is only once you are able to restore the lost confidence that she will be able to move on and finally forgive you for cheating.
Sound like a tall order?
You better believe it can be. But, that does not mean it´s impossible. In fact, quite the opposite is true. You can do a few little things each day that will, slowly but surely, restore her faith in you, your love, and your relationship.
Where do you begin?
Start with simple words affirming your love for her. Tell her as often as she will hear it. Don´t beg. Don´t berate. Don´t offer excuses. Simply let her know she is loved by you.
Show her how you really feel. Small gestures often matter most. Write her little love notes. Serve breakfast in bed. Give her a night (or morning) off by taking over her typical duties for that night and morning. Start a weekly date night and do something bigger, better, and more than dinner and a movie.
Make her a priority in your life. You lead a busy life. You are often busy providing for your family. You think you are doing the right thing. Then, one day, you discover that your family feels like you have abandoned them. You are hurt. They are hurt. Everyone is hurt. Take time to appreciate what you have now rather than using it up preparing for a future that is so uncertain.
If you have not already, end the affair. There is no future for your marriage and no forgiveness that is going to come as long as the affair continues. End it. Then focus your full, undivided attention on repairing your marriage once and for all.
These little things might not seem like a big deal. They don´t involve pricy purchases, expensive gifts, or hours of endless (and mostly useless) groveling. They are as straightforward and shockingly effective for gaining her forgiveness.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
How Can I Make Her Love Me Again?
Believe it or not, most women do not leave their men because they have stopped loving them. They don´t pull away because you are not attractive to her anymore. Most of the time, it is not usually anything you have done that is pushed her away. Believe it or not, there is an old country song that has it right for the most part. It is not what you did. It is all those things you did not do.
Now, don´t get me wrong. I am not saying it is all your fault!
I am a firm believer that it takes two to tango. She never spoke up and told you what she needed from you. But, really, how often do you tell her what you need her to do for you?
While the song may be a few decades old by now, there is wisdom in those old lyrics. If you are trying to make your relationship work and put a little bit of the love back in it, then you need to remember all the things he forgot.
Tell Her You Love Her
Don´t take it for granted that she knows. Tell her. Show her. Shout it out from the rooftops, but make sure she knows, without a doubt, that you only have eyes for her.
Listen to What She has to Say
This one is hard. Men and women often live in different worlds when it comes to language. She starts talking and sometimes your eyes just glaze over with this faraway look. She notices this and it hurts. You are going to have to really listen, like the man in the Klondike commercial. It will impress her and make her feel like she really is important to you.
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Now, don´t get me wrong. I am not saying it is all your fault!
I am a firm believer that it takes two to tango. She never spoke up and told you what she needed from you. But, really, how often do you tell her what you need her to do for you?
While the song may be a few decades old by now, there is wisdom in those old lyrics. If you are trying to make your relationship work and put a little bit of the love back in it, then you need to remember all the things he forgot.
Tell Her You Love Her
Don´t take it for granted that she knows. Tell her. Show her. Shout it out from the rooftops, but make sure she knows, without a doubt, that you only have eyes for her.
Listen to What She has to Say
This one is hard. Men and women often live in different worlds when it comes to language. She starts talking and sometimes your eyes just glaze over with this faraway look. She notices this and it hurts. You are going to have to really listen, like the man in the Klondike commercial. It will impress her and make her feel like she really is important to you.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
How Do I Forgive My Husband for Cheating?
This is a question that woman have been asking themselves for centuries. Itís only in recent decades that divorce has really been an option for women whether their husbands cheated or not. While itís hard to believe in silver linings right now, the bright and shining one for you is that marriages survive cheating spouses all the time.
When you look at the number of relationships with cheating partners, the numbers are truly staggering. Statisticbrain.com says that 41 percent of marriages have one or both spouses admitting to infidelity (emotional or physical). The really shocking news though is that, for perhaps the first time in history, men and women are cheating on almost an equal scale. Fifty-seven percent of men admit to cheating in any relationship theyíve had and 54 percent of women admit to cheating.
While the numbers are not completely promising, 31 percent of marriages survive (and last) after the affair has been discovered. When you consider that 50 percent of all marriages end in divorce, those numbers are a little more promising. But, how does this help you find forgiveness for the man who broke the vows you made together?
Allow Yourself Time to Process the Blow
This is not a light confession like drinking milk out of the carton or forgetting to take the garbage to the road on trash pickup day. This is a big deal. You need to allow yourself the time, and space, you need to really process what has happened, how you feel about what has happened, and what YOU want to happen next.
Do not allow yourself to be bullied, cajoled, pushed, or drug into a situation you are not emotionally prepared to dive into. Itís too much and could put you into meltdown mode where you withdraw from everything and everyone. Thatís not good for anyone or your marriage.
Be Selfish for a Little While
There is nothing wrong with watching him work his way back into your good graces. While it is not cool to allow him to keep trying to win you over if you know you are going to leave, there is nothing wrong with dragging it out a little bit to watch him pay some sort of penance. It would not make up for the pain. It certainly would not take the pain away. But there is some sort of sadistic pleasure you can derive from it, and well the Universe owes you a small dark moment or two in wake of a blow like this.
Forgive Yourself First
Women have been taught to blame themselves when their men stray. Even in the so-called enlightened world we live in today, other women, prominent clergy, and countless politicians drive home the idea that the woman is the one at fault when men stray. Stop swimming in blame and guilt over actions that were not your own. You can not own his actions any more than he can own yours. He did the cheating. But once you forgive yourself for his cheating, you will find that it is much easier to forgive him for doing the cheating.
The path to forgiveness in infidelity is one of the most painful and surprising paths to walk. When you follow these steps, you will find that it is easier to walk (though by no means easy) than you would have ever thought possible otherwise.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
When you look at the number of relationships with cheating partners, the numbers are truly staggering. Statisticbrain.com says that 41 percent of marriages have one or both spouses admitting to infidelity (emotional or physical). The really shocking news though is that, for perhaps the first time in history, men and women are cheating on almost an equal scale. Fifty-seven percent of men admit to cheating in any relationship theyíve had and 54 percent of women admit to cheating.
While the numbers are not completely promising, 31 percent of marriages survive (and last) after the affair has been discovered. When you consider that 50 percent of all marriages end in divorce, those numbers are a little more promising. But, how does this help you find forgiveness for the man who broke the vows you made together?
Allow Yourself Time to Process the Blow
This is not a light confession like drinking milk out of the carton or forgetting to take the garbage to the road on trash pickup day. This is a big deal. You need to allow yourself the time, and space, you need to really process what has happened, how you feel about what has happened, and what YOU want to happen next.
Do not allow yourself to be bullied, cajoled, pushed, or drug into a situation you are not emotionally prepared to dive into. Itís too much and could put you into meltdown mode where you withdraw from everything and everyone. Thatís not good for anyone or your marriage.
Be Selfish for a Little While
There is nothing wrong with watching him work his way back into your good graces. While it is not cool to allow him to keep trying to win you over if you know you are going to leave, there is nothing wrong with dragging it out a little bit to watch him pay some sort of penance. It would not make up for the pain. It certainly would not take the pain away. But there is some sort of sadistic pleasure you can derive from it, and well the Universe owes you a small dark moment or two in wake of a blow like this.
Forgive Yourself First
Women have been taught to blame themselves when their men stray. Even in the so-called enlightened world we live in today, other women, prominent clergy, and countless politicians drive home the idea that the woman is the one at fault when men stray. Stop swimming in blame and guilt over actions that were not your own. You can not own his actions any more than he can own yours. He did the cheating. But once you forgive yourself for his cheating, you will find that it is much easier to forgive him for doing the cheating.
The path to forgiveness in infidelity is one of the most painful and surprising paths to walk. When you follow these steps, you will find that it is easier to walk (though by no means easy) than you would have ever thought possible otherwise.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Is It Really My Fault He Cheated?
If you have watched the news lately you have probably noticed that there is been quite a stir over who is at fault when men cheat. A prominent televangelist has suggested that part of the responsibility should be placed on the shoulder of the woman for not making the effort to overcome genetic predispositions.
Now, I am not advocating that men cheat or that women blindly forgive men who cheat. I am not even saying that it is a womans fault her man cheats. I am not even saying that the most diligent efforts by women will prevent cheating completely.
I can definitely say that doing these two things will definitely help keep his attention focused firmly on you and make other woman almost invisible to him. Want to know what they are?
Get His Engine Running
Slip a reason for him to come home at night into his briefcase or lunchbox each day as he sets off for work. Whether itís a snapshot, a steamy love note, or just a code word you make up together, give him a reason to come racing home after he punches out at work for the day.
And then?
Live up to the promise you made in the morning. No matter how many things happen during your day to drag you down, you MUST make good on that promise so that heíll know what heís likely to get each and every time you drop one of your lunchbox/briefcase hints.
Show Him Your Adoration
Among men who cheat, the overwhelming reason why has nothing to do with the physical appearance of the other woman. In fact, most men who cheat have said they do not find the other woman more attractive than their wives. She is not thinner, leggier, bustier, and she does not have a bigger butt (sorry Mix-A-Lot).
It is not about looks at all. The real reason men cheat on their wives, and can not really help themselves, despite the risks it involves has to do with one thing. She makes him feel adored, flattered, admired, and respected. She does not roll her eyes at his corny jokes. She clings to his arms and laughs. She makes the first move. She shows interest. She goes after him and makes him feel like THE MAN. And THAT is his Kryptonite.
How do you beat this?
It may seem like a tall order, but if you work really hard and think back to the early days when you dated, you should remember all the things you used to tell him that you donít tell him today. You brought out the best in him by showing him that you believed he was the best and he wants that feeling back. He is trying to recapture that when he cheats. Give him that feeling at home and give it to him often and he will never have a single reason to stray.
These two things donít require six spinning classes a day. They do not require a second job. And, they do not involve major personality changes. Most of these things are the sorts of things you did when you were first together and in love. Put them to work today and never worry about a cheating husband again. Is it your fault he cheated? No, but you CAN make a difference going forward.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Now, I am not advocating that men cheat or that women blindly forgive men who cheat. I am not even saying that it is a womans fault her man cheats. I am not even saying that the most diligent efforts by women will prevent cheating completely.
I can definitely say that doing these two things will definitely help keep his attention focused firmly on you and make other woman almost invisible to him. Want to know what they are?
Get His Engine Running
Slip a reason for him to come home at night into his briefcase or lunchbox each day as he sets off for work. Whether itís a snapshot, a steamy love note, or just a code word you make up together, give him a reason to come racing home after he punches out at work for the day.
And then?
Live up to the promise you made in the morning. No matter how many things happen during your day to drag you down, you MUST make good on that promise so that heíll know what heís likely to get each and every time you drop one of your lunchbox/briefcase hints.
Show Him Your Adoration
Among men who cheat, the overwhelming reason why has nothing to do with the physical appearance of the other woman. In fact, most men who cheat have said they do not find the other woman more attractive than their wives. She is not thinner, leggier, bustier, and she does not have a bigger butt (sorry Mix-A-Lot).
It is not about looks at all. The real reason men cheat on their wives, and can not really help themselves, despite the risks it involves has to do with one thing. She makes him feel adored, flattered, admired, and respected. She does not roll her eyes at his corny jokes. She clings to his arms and laughs. She makes the first move. She shows interest. She goes after him and makes him feel like THE MAN. And THAT is his Kryptonite.
How do you beat this?
It may seem like a tall order, but if you work really hard and think back to the early days when you dated, you should remember all the things you used to tell him that you donít tell him today. You brought out the best in him by showing him that you believed he was the best and he wants that feeling back. He is trying to recapture that when he cheats. Give him that feeling at home and give it to him often and he will never have a single reason to stray.
These two things donít require six spinning classes a day. They do not require a second job. And, they do not involve major personality changes. Most of these things are the sorts of things you did when you were first together and in love. Put them to work today and never worry about a cheating husband again. Is it your fault he cheated? No, but you CAN make a difference going forward.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
4 Ways to Take Date Night from Ho-Hum to Oh-So-Much-Fun!
Date night is quickly becoming an American institution when it comes to putting the spark back into fading marriages or simply keeping the home fires from burning out altogether. The problem is, many couples are forgetting what date night is really about. Instead of taking the initiative and seeking out new and exciting date night ideas, many couples fall back on a few old standards. Once in a while, these standard date night activities are excellent. However, when they become the normal routine for your weekly date night, it takes the fun and excitement out of date night completely.
So, what should you do to fill the love of your life with excitement about date night? Try these things on for size.
1) Take Turns Planning Your Date Night Activities
If one person is left doing all the planning, things can get old really quick. More importantly, it doesn't place all the pressure on the shoulders of one of you. The ultimate benefit though is that you'll be able to try new things you may never experience if one person does all the planning. Some date night events will be hits, others will be misses. The key is that both of you plan with mutual enjoyment of the evening in mind.
2) Avoid Repeats Within a Two-Month Period
This doesn't mean that you shouldn't eat at the same restaurant for two months, though that would certainly be nice as well. What it does mean is that you should avoid repeating the same date experience (dinner and a movie, date night in, picnic theme, etc.) in two months. It may be a bit of a challenge but if you flex your creative muscles it's totally doable. The most it will mean is nine weeks before you can repeat a date night theme.
3) Make it Fun!
Date night doesn't have to take place at night and it doesn't, necessarily, have to involve acting like grownups. There are plenty of fun ways to bring on a little romantic fun for the two of you.
* Race car experience
* Tandem sky diving
* Bungee jumping
* Paint ball
* Laser tag
* Bowling
* Roller skating/blading
* Snow skiing
* Ice skiing
* Ice skating
* Rock climbing
* Minor league sporting event
* College sporting event
* Swimming
* Boating
* Tubing
* Water skiing
* Jet skiing
* Parasailing
* Four wheeler riding
* Horseback riding
* Music concert
* Wine tasting/tours
* Pottery/Painting
These are all excellent date night choices that don't cost an outrageous amount of money and can be a ton of fun for both of you to experience. You don't have to go out of the way, or even off the beaten path to find great date night experiences you're sure to cherish.
With so many exciting options available, date night should never be boring again. Don't forget to look back in your own dating history to dates that really stand out as fun for both of you. It's always good to recreate special experiences for celebrations such as birthdays and anniversaries too.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
So, what should you do to fill the love of your life with excitement about date night? Try these things on for size.
1) Take Turns Planning Your Date Night Activities
If one person is left doing all the planning, things can get old really quick. More importantly, it doesn't place all the pressure on the shoulders of one of you. The ultimate benefit though is that you'll be able to try new things you may never experience if one person does all the planning. Some date night events will be hits, others will be misses. The key is that both of you plan with mutual enjoyment of the evening in mind.
2) Avoid Repeats Within a Two-Month Period
This doesn't mean that you shouldn't eat at the same restaurant for two months, though that would certainly be nice as well. What it does mean is that you should avoid repeating the same date experience (dinner and a movie, date night in, picnic theme, etc.) in two months. It may be a bit of a challenge but if you flex your creative muscles it's totally doable. The most it will mean is nine weeks before you can repeat a date night theme.
3) Make it Fun!
Date night doesn't have to take place at night and it doesn't, necessarily, have to involve acting like grownups. There are plenty of fun ways to bring on a little romantic fun for the two of you.
* Race car experience
* Tandem sky diving
* Bungee jumping
* Paint ball
* Laser tag
* Bowling
* Roller skating/blading
* Snow skiing
* Ice skiing
* Ice skating
* Rock climbing
* Minor league sporting event
* College sporting event
* Swimming
* Boating
* Tubing
* Water skiing
* Jet skiing
* Parasailing
* Four wheeler riding
* Horseback riding
* Music concert
* Wine tasting/tours
* Pottery/Painting
These are all excellent date night choices that don't cost an outrageous amount of money and can be a ton of fun for both of you to experience. You don't have to go out of the way, or even off the beaten path to find great date night experiences you're sure to cherish.
With so many exciting options available, date night should never be boring again. Don't forget to look back in your own dating history to dates that really stand out as fun for both of you. It's always good to recreate special experiences for celebrations such as birthdays and anniversaries too.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
The Lost Art of Flirting - How to Drive Him Wild With or Without Words
When you first started dating, flirting came easily. Almost every tilt of your head, bat of your eyelashes, and word you said was some form of flirtation. Whether your intention was sheer playfulness or some form of subtle seduction, flirting was the language of the day - and what an effective language it was!
Over time, you left your flirting ways behind. Whether it was the fact that you felt confident in your "catch" or you simply thought you'd moved beyond the playful beginnings into a more serious and "adult" relationship.
I saw "Hogwash!"
You don't have to give up playfulness and fun simply because you're now married. You may have caught the prize you sought but that doesn't mean you don't need to work a little bit to keep his interest and attention. Subtle and not-so-subtle flirting reminds your husband that you are still interested, makes him feel desired by you, and reminds you just how much fun being in a relationship can be. The more marriage feels like fun, the less it will feel like work.
It may have been a while since you've flirted with your husband. Here are a few reminders about old tricks, and perhaps a few new tricks, that will drive him wild.
* Leave naughty little notes in his lunch box. It will perk up his day and let him know that you're thinking of him.
* Send sexy text messages to him while he's at work. There's nothing that will have him raring to go when he gets home faster than little teasers throughout the day of what's to come when he gets home.
* Dress to impress on your next date night. You know what he likes. Give it to him. It costs you nothing and lets him know you still think he's worth impressing.
* Play footsie with him! Sounds a little silly but it can really get his engine going.
* Smack his bottom. It worked for Austin Powers! More importantly, it tells him you're still noticing.
* Touch him. Even non-sexual touching is a huge turn on for guys. Remember when you first started dating? You went for any excuse just to touch him. Whether it was touching his arm, laying your head on his shoulders, or just holding hands you couldn't get enough of touching him. Over time, things cooled down and touch became perfunctory. Make it fun and flirty all over again.
* Tell him what you want - what you really, really want in a place where he'll have to wait to get it. It will be on his mind the entire time and the anticipation will light real fireworks when you're finally able to make good on that whispered promise.
Flirting might be a lost art, but you can bring it back into your marriage. If you're going through a bit of a dry spell, this may very well be the cure. At the very least, it will return an old dynamic to your relationship that may yield surprising results.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Over time, you left your flirting ways behind. Whether it was the fact that you felt confident in your "catch" or you simply thought you'd moved beyond the playful beginnings into a more serious and "adult" relationship.
I saw "Hogwash!"
You don't have to give up playfulness and fun simply because you're now married. You may have caught the prize you sought but that doesn't mean you don't need to work a little bit to keep his interest and attention. Subtle and not-so-subtle flirting reminds your husband that you are still interested, makes him feel desired by you, and reminds you just how much fun being in a relationship can be. The more marriage feels like fun, the less it will feel like work.
It may have been a while since you've flirted with your husband. Here are a few reminders about old tricks, and perhaps a few new tricks, that will drive him wild.
* Leave naughty little notes in his lunch box. It will perk up his day and let him know that you're thinking of him.
* Send sexy text messages to him while he's at work. There's nothing that will have him raring to go when he gets home faster than little teasers throughout the day of what's to come when he gets home.
* Dress to impress on your next date night. You know what he likes. Give it to him. It costs you nothing and lets him know you still think he's worth impressing.
* Play footsie with him! Sounds a little silly but it can really get his engine going.
* Smack his bottom. It worked for Austin Powers! More importantly, it tells him you're still noticing.
* Touch him. Even non-sexual touching is a huge turn on for guys. Remember when you first started dating? You went for any excuse just to touch him. Whether it was touching his arm, laying your head on his shoulders, or just holding hands you couldn't get enough of touching him. Over time, things cooled down and touch became perfunctory. Make it fun and flirty all over again.
* Tell him what you want - what you really, really want in a place where he'll have to wait to get it. It will be on his mind the entire time and the anticipation will light real fireworks when you're finally able to make good on that whispered promise.
Flirting might be a lost art, but you can bring it back into your marriage. If you're going through a bit of a dry spell, this may very well be the cure. At the very least, it will return an old dynamic to your relationship that may yield surprising results.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Why Doesn't He Love Me Anymore?
The feeling of falling out of love isn't a pleasant one by any stretch of the imagination -- especially when you're on the receiving end. You're left to wonder what went wrong, whether it was your fault, and if there's anything you can do to change things. The good news for you is that most people don't simply turn love on and off like a light switch. It takes time to fall in love -- and to fall out of it. That means he probably isn't quite there yet. And a little bit of love is all you need as a foundation upon which you can build a once in a lifetime kind of love.
But, knowing that doesn't fix the problem in your relationship. What you need is a plan of action that's sure to SOLVE the problem.
Your immediate problem is that he isn't FEELING the love right now. The solution is simple. You need to make him feel the love again. Of course, from where you sit, reading this, it doesn't seem all that simple. Consider making these moves to see what a difference they make in how he feels about you.
1) Start Dressing to Impress
While the best relationships aren't based on looks alone, it never hurts for your man to see you making an effort to look good for him. Wear the clothes he likes to see you wearing, fix up your hair, apply a few strategic cosmetics, etc. You may even consider professional waxing services.
These moves won't necessarily have him feeling the love for you again, but they will certainly get his attention. Once you have his attention, it's time to make your next move.
2) Change the Way YOU Show Your Love for Him
Men and women express love and feel loved in different ways. While stereotypes aren't always helpful, it does help to understand that there are fundamental differences. Men feel and show love through physical acts. Not all of them are sexual. Sometimes, it's little things like making sure the oil is changed in your car or mowing the lawn week after week. At other times it is more personal, such as a protective hand on your back in public, a steadying arm as you climb steps together, or intimate acts that are the ultimate expression of love for the average man.
Women express love differently. The expressions are often verbal or service oriented. Taking care of the household, preparing meals, and other domestic tasks are prime examples. Women are also much more likely to use words to express your love. If you want him to feel love you must watch the words you use at all times. Words that criticize, confront, or disrespect tear down the love he's building while words that edify, respect, and show deep admiration and loyalty build up the love. Physical acts, such as touching and other acts of service are also excellent choices because they show him YOUR love in HIS language.
Keep these things in mind and you'll never need to ask, "Why doesn't he love me anymore?" again. He'll be feeling the love and showing you more than a little love in return.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
But, knowing that doesn't fix the problem in your relationship. What you need is a plan of action that's sure to SOLVE the problem.
Your immediate problem is that he isn't FEELING the love right now. The solution is simple. You need to make him feel the love again. Of course, from where you sit, reading this, it doesn't seem all that simple. Consider making these moves to see what a difference they make in how he feels about you.
1) Start Dressing to Impress
While the best relationships aren't based on looks alone, it never hurts for your man to see you making an effort to look good for him. Wear the clothes he likes to see you wearing, fix up your hair, apply a few strategic cosmetics, etc. You may even consider professional waxing services.
These moves won't necessarily have him feeling the love for you again, but they will certainly get his attention. Once you have his attention, it's time to make your next move.
2) Change the Way YOU Show Your Love for Him
Men and women express love and feel loved in different ways. While stereotypes aren't always helpful, it does help to understand that there are fundamental differences. Men feel and show love through physical acts. Not all of them are sexual. Sometimes, it's little things like making sure the oil is changed in your car or mowing the lawn week after week. At other times it is more personal, such as a protective hand on your back in public, a steadying arm as you climb steps together, or intimate acts that are the ultimate expression of love for the average man.
Women express love differently. The expressions are often verbal or service oriented. Taking care of the household, preparing meals, and other domestic tasks are prime examples. Women are also much more likely to use words to express your love. If you want him to feel love you must watch the words you use at all times. Words that criticize, confront, or disrespect tear down the love he's building while words that edify, respect, and show deep admiration and loyalty build up the love. Physical acts, such as touching and other acts of service are also excellent choices because they show him YOUR love in HIS language.
Keep these things in mind and you'll never need to ask, "Why doesn't he love me anymore?" again. He'll be feeling the love and showing you more than a little love in return.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
What's the Big Deal About Date Night?
In the beginning, most couples have no trouble to sticking with a weekly date night. It's a great way to go out and do fun stuff together -- as a couple. It's time to get out of the house and break the routine a bit. However, time marches on. Children come into the picture. Budgets get strained. Economies tumble. The weekly ritual of date night takes a backseat to diaper duty, PTA meetings, and extra shifts at work. Then the marriage starts to crumble bit by bit. Is all this really the result of no longer having date night? It could be. Date night is more important than many couples realize on the surface. But why is it so important?
Date Night Helps You Stay Connected
We live in an amazingly connected world. We have laptops, mobile phones, tablet devices, instant messages, Facebook status reports, Twitter feeds and countless other methods to stay connected on-the-go. With all that connectivity, the human connection often gets lost in the mix. People ignore the person sitting across the room in order to connect with someone thousands of miles away they haven't seen in fifteen years. Date night, takes all that away and leaves the two of you alone to connect with one another -- no matter what else is going on in your worlds.
Allows You to Spend Time Together as Lovers
Date night is about being alone together. More importantly, it's about going out, away from the house (and the responsibilities that live in that house) and spending time together as lovers. It's a change to hold hands, to have adult conversations, and to, dare I say it, FLIRT with one another. It's time to be man and woman rather than MOM and DAD. It's important because it helps you remember why the two of you fell in love in the first place.
Forces You to Make Time for Each Other
One of the most important things you need to do, for the sake of your marriage, is make time for each other. In putting your family first, which is an admirable quality in any family, it's very important to remember that your spouse if your family too. He or she needs your time just as much as each and every one of your children. Date night, gives you one night, out of seven, to spend time together. It shouldn't be too much to ask -- no matter how busy your lives become.
If you really want to maximize the effectiveness of date night, avoid topics of conversation involving school, work, family, and calendars -- unless you're discussing an upcoming romantic getaway that you're both excited about. Date night is your opportunity to rev up the romance engine in your relationship. Don't take it for granted.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Date Night Helps You Stay Connected
We live in an amazingly connected world. We have laptops, mobile phones, tablet devices, instant messages, Facebook status reports, Twitter feeds and countless other methods to stay connected on-the-go. With all that connectivity, the human connection often gets lost in the mix. People ignore the person sitting across the room in order to connect with someone thousands of miles away they haven't seen in fifteen years. Date night, takes all that away and leaves the two of you alone to connect with one another -- no matter what else is going on in your worlds.
Allows You to Spend Time Together as Lovers
Date night is about being alone together. More importantly, it's about going out, away from the house (and the responsibilities that live in that house) and spending time together as lovers. It's a change to hold hands, to have adult conversations, and to, dare I say it, FLIRT with one another. It's time to be man and woman rather than MOM and DAD. It's important because it helps you remember why the two of you fell in love in the first place.
Forces You to Make Time for Each Other
One of the most important things you need to do, for the sake of your marriage, is make time for each other. In putting your family first, which is an admirable quality in any family, it's very important to remember that your spouse if your family too. He or she needs your time just as much as each and every one of your children. Date night, gives you one night, out of seven, to spend time together. It shouldn't be too much to ask -- no matter how busy your lives become.
If you really want to maximize the effectiveness of date night, avoid topics of conversation involving school, work, family, and calendars -- unless you're discussing an upcoming romantic getaway that you're both excited about. Date night is your opportunity to rev up the romance engine in your relationship. Don't take it for granted.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Reigniting the Romance - How to Make Her Fall in Love With You Again
How often do you wish you could simply turn back the clock and start over with your love? The desire to do so is more prevalent and commonplace than you probably realize. Fortunately, you don't need a time machine, magic carpet, or handy dandy neuralyzer, like the one Tommy Lee Jones used to erase memories in the movie Men in Black, to help your girl fall in love with you all over again. Here are a few tactics you do need to keep in mind, though, if you want your efforts to be successful.
Make it all About Her
Now is the time to put your idea of romance on the shelf. When you're working to win her back, you need to go back to the basics and make a concentrated effort to literally sweep her off her feet and back into your arms. Revisit your first date. Even if the exact location isn't feasible for the two of you now (distance, time, no longer in business, etc.) try to create a date that gives a nod back to your first days together. It will leave her thinking about happier times and have you both remembering the endearing qualities about each other that made you fall in love in the first place.
Make Her Laugh
After a while, relationships become so serious. We seem to take all the fun out of them. Most women have stated, more than once, that their man's sense of humor was what attracted her to him in the first place. The Levi's or Wrangler's, depending on where you're from, ran a close second. The big point to take away from all this is that laughter is the way to her heart more often than not. If your goal is to win her back, then making her laugh is a great place to begin.
Romance her Between the Ears
Chocolates, flowers, and romantic gestures are all well and good. If you want to set her heart aflutter, however, you're going to have to touch the space between her ears. Yes, it's the brain. Itís a scary proposition for many guys, but today's woman is bright, savvy, and one tough cookie. Reaching out and touching her heart will only get her attention briefly. If you want to hold onto that attention, you're going to have to give her something to wrap her mind around.
It may seem a little hard to do at first, but once you begin practicing these pathways to success, you're sure to find a much better success rating for your efforts to win her back.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Make it all About Her
Now is the time to put your idea of romance on the shelf. When you're working to win her back, you need to go back to the basics and make a concentrated effort to literally sweep her off her feet and back into your arms. Revisit your first date. Even if the exact location isn't feasible for the two of you now (distance, time, no longer in business, etc.) try to create a date that gives a nod back to your first days together. It will leave her thinking about happier times and have you both remembering the endearing qualities about each other that made you fall in love in the first place.
Make Her Laugh
After a while, relationships become so serious. We seem to take all the fun out of them. Most women have stated, more than once, that their man's sense of humor was what attracted her to him in the first place. The Levi's or Wrangler's, depending on where you're from, ran a close second. The big point to take away from all this is that laughter is the way to her heart more often than not. If your goal is to win her back, then making her laugh is a great place to begin.
Romance her Between the Ears
Chocolates, flowers, and romantic gestures are all well and good. If you want to set her heart aflutter, however, you're going to have to touch the space between her ears. Yes, it's the brain. Itís a scary proposition for many guys, but today's woman is bright, savvy, and one tough cookie. Reaching out and touching her heart will only get her attention briefly. If you want to hold onto that attention, you're going to have to give her something to wrap her mind around.
It may seem a little hard to do at first, but once you begin practicing these pathways to success, you're sure to find a much better success rating for your efforts to win her back.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Intimacy Challenge - Are You Too Tired to Tango?
It's become such a huge problem across the nation that it's been addressed on the Dr. Oz show and in countless marriage counseling sessions in between. American couples are exhausted to the point they don't even have time to enjoy intimate relations between man and wife. And it's destroying romance in America -- not to mention taking a huge toll on marriages. If your marriage is suffering from a drought of human contact, the good news is that it isn't beyond hope. There are small moves you can start making today that will help you turn your marriage around and find the energy to put on your dancing shoes.
Create a Sleep Schedule in Your Home
Everyone needs a sleep schedule. The key is to be consistent with the sleep schedule - even on the weekend when many people attempt to make up for the sleep deprivation they've suffered during the week. Getting everyone -- husband, wife, children, and pets on a similar schedule can eliminate the groggy run down feeling that overwhelms just before calling it a night in the evening. It can also help you keep better track of how much sleep you're actually getting.
Reprioritize and Learn to Delegate
This is especially difficult for women who like to feel they can do it all. The truth of the matter is that it's not all getting done. Things are falling through the cracks and you really don't want your marriage to be that thing that is falling. Ask for help and learn to accept help as it comes. It's not going to be perfect when someone else does it - but that's OK. The other thing to remember is that you need to watch your priorities. If everything and everyone else is coming before your happy home life then something's gotta go. It's not fair to you, your husband, or your marriage to keep things going as they are.
Schedule Weekly Intimate Moments
It may feel a little strained at first - even a little awkward. But, the odds are good that won't last long. In fact, many couples find that after a couple of weeks of "penciling it in" the spontaneity begins to retune - and the fun. More importantly, the simple process of physical intimacy returns life to your marriage.
Yes, there is a drought going on in homes across America. Your home does not have to be one of the unhappy homes it's happening in if you follow these great tips.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Create a Sleep Schedule in Your Home
Everyone needs a sleep schedule. The key is to be consistent with the sleep schedule - even on the weekend when many people attempt to make up for the sleep deprivation they've suffered during the week. Getting everyone -- husband, wife, children, and pets on a similar schedule can eliminate the groggy run down feeling that overwhelms just before calling it a night in the evening. It can also help you keep better track of how much sleep you're actually getting.
Reprioritize and Learn to Delegate
This is especially difficult for women who like to feel they can do it all. The truth of the matter is that it's not all getting done. Things are falling through the cracks and you really don't want your marriage to be that thing that is falling. Ask for help and learn to accept help as it comes. It's not going to be perfect when someone else does it - but that's OK. The other thing to remember is that you need to watch your priorities. If everything and everyone else is coming before your happy home life then something's gotta go. It's not fair to you, your husband, or your marriage to keep things going as they are.
Schedule Weekly Intimate Moments
It may feel a little strained at first - even a little awkward. But, the odds are good that won't last long. In fact, many couples find that after a couple of weeks of "penciling it in" the spontaneity begins to retune - and the fun. More importantly, the simple process of physical intimacy returns life to your marriage.
Yes, there is a drought going on in homes across America. Your home does not have to be one of the unhappy homes it's happening in if you follow these great tips.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Food for Love? Libido Lifting Food for Your Next Date Night
Want to try something new and different to turn your traditional date night on its ear? Have you considered a date night filled with foods designed to heighten awareness and boost libido? In any relationship, it can lead to a few truly interesting propositions and, perhaps, more than a few delightful dilemmas.
You don't have to walk around the block too many times before hearing about the widely held believe that oysters have an almost mystical aphrodisiac affect on those who consume them raw. Science has uncovered a wealth of zinc in oysters which actually boosts testosterone making it a potent force, indeed, for the men who consume them. Consuming oysters raw is necessary for the most powerful benefit though any form is sure to help if your libido is truly lacking these days.
Because of the potency of this particular dish, Spanish priests once forbade parishioners from eating avocados for fear that it would incite lustful thoughts. The large amounts of vitamin B6 and potassium in avocados does make them an excellent food to include in your next libido bringing date night meal -- as they are famous for raising libidos in men and women alike.
It's the capsaicin in chilies that leaves people who consume this spicy little number feeling more than a little burst of natural endorphin - stimulated libido action. Whether you consume them without anything else to water them down or chopped and included in prepared meals, the results are quite impressive.
Though most commonly associated with women and romantic feelings, the truth of the matter is that the phenylethylamine in chocolate triggers the production of serotonin and endorphins which are both known to take you happy places.
Date night is an important part of any adult relationship. Eating the right foods during your date night can all but ensure you'll get a happy ending for your evening. Use these foods responsibly and make sure you're both sure to be happy with the outcome. The real key, however, is to present these foods in a manner that isn't exactly obvious.
ï Create a menu ahead of time.
ï Don't provide any of the foods on the list in isolation - make them part of a bigger picture for the evening.
ï Have fun playing around with the theme.
ï Don't be afraid to try new things for similar results.
Once you add these dishes to your date night repertoire, you're sure to find new challenges for creative date night meals and locations. Above all else, date night should be a time for the two of you to relax, unwind, and let your hair down together.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
You don't have to walk around the block too many times before hearing about the widely held believe that oysters have an almost mystical aphrodisiac affect on those who consume them raw. Science has uncovered a wealth of zinc in oysters which actually boosts testosterone making it a potent force, indeed, for the men who consume them. Consuming oysters raw is necessary for the most powerful benefit though any form is sure to help if your libido is truly lacking these days.
Because of the potency of this particular dish, Spanish priests once forbade parishioners from eating avocados for fear that it would incite lustful thoughts. The large amounts of vitamin B6 and potassium in avocados does make them an excellent food to include in your next libido bringing date night meal -- as they are famous for raising libidos in men and women alike.
It's the capsaicin in chilies that leaves people who consume this spicy little number feeling more than a little burst of natural endorphin - stimulated libido action. Whether you consume them without anything else to water them down or chopped and included in prepared meals, the results are quite impressive.
Though most commonly associated with women and romantic feelings, the truth of the matter is that the phenylethylamine in chocolate triggers the production of serotonin and endorphins which are both known to take you happy places.
Date night is an important part of any adult relationship. Eating the right foods during your date night can all but ensure you'll get a happy ending for your evening. Use these foods responsibly and make sure you're both sure to be happy with the outcome. The real key, however, is to present these foods in a manner that isn't exactly obvious.
ï Create a menu ahead of time.
ï Don't provide any of the foods on the list in isolation - make them part of a bigger picture for the evening.
ï Have fun playing around with the theme.
ï Don't be afraid to try new things for similar results.
Once you add these dishes to your date night repertoire, you're sure to find new challenges for creative date night meals and locations. Above all else, date night should be a time for the two of you to relax, unwind, and let your hair down together.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Are You Making These Disastrous Date Night Mistakes?
Date night can be a highly effective tool for putting a little love back into your relationship. Whether you're going through a bit of a seven-year-itch or on the verge of calling it quits, making the right date night choices can be a huge win for your marriage. Unfortunately, making date night mistakes of monumental proportions, such as those listed below, can spell disaster for your efforts to save your relationship.
Spending the Entire Night Discussing Family Problems
Date night is all about getting away from the mundane issues troubling the two of you. It's time to turn your focus on each other. Leave the kids, parents, in-laws, and outlaws at home where they belong. You want this to be a genuine "feel good" opportunity. Don't squander it by bringing bad vibes into the evening.
Bringing Work Along on Your Date
Whether it is in thoughts or in deeds, bringing work on your date night date not only kills the mood, but also breeds resentment. In many marriages, constant work is a problem. Your spouse feels slighted because you always seem to put work before family. When you bring work on your date night that resentment becomes a deep and simmering rage. It's just another nail in the coffin of your relationship in many ways and one that can be easily avoided one night a week.
Cancelling Date Night or Rearranging it at the Last Minute
Cancelling date nights is a huge no-no. It's the last thing you want to do without a darned good (I mean someone has died or is about to die kind of) reason. Whenever you cancel date night, you're essentially putting whatever reason it was before your marriage. Stuff happens. Sitters quit or cancel and you're left scrambling to find a suitable alternative. It's better to do a little additional scrambling than to deal with the romantic and relationship fallout of a cancellation.
The same holds true with rearranging plans at the last minute. Once the sitter is lined up and dinner plans are set for the evening, last-minute rearrangements really upset the apple cart doing more harm for the date night cause than good. The bottom line is that if you aren't going to take date night seriously, it's better not to plan to have it at all.
Falling into a Date Night Rut
Whatever you do, don't do the same thing week after week. It becomes monotonous and routine. This is your opportunity to add a little fun and excitement to your relationship. Don't risk it by going to dinner and a movie week after week. Switch it up some and see what a difference it makes not only in your excitement about having a date night but also in your partner's response to date night. Make a date night "bucket list" of things you'd like to do on date night together and have fun granting each other's date night wishes.
Date night can be as exciting or as humdrum as you allow it to be. Make a compact with yourself and one another not to let your date night become a run of the mill experience that's easily taken for granted. Do this and your marriage is sure to be one in which you do not take each other for granted either.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Spending the Entire Night Discussing Family Problems
Date night is all about getting away from the mundane issues troubling the two of you. It's time to turn your focus on each other. Leave the kids, parents, in-laws, and outlaws at home where they belong. You want this to be a genuine "feel good" opportunity. Don't squander it by bringing bad vibes into the evening.
Bringing Work Along on Your Date
Whether it is in thoughts or in deeds, bringing work on your date night date not only kills the mood, but also breeds resentment. In many marriages, constant work is a problem. Your spouse feels slighted because you always seem to put work before family. When you bring work on your date night that resentment becomes a deep and simmering rage. It's just another nail in the coffin of your relationship in many ways and one that can be easily avoided one night a week.
Cancelling Date Night or Rearranging it at the Last Minute
Cancelling date nights is a huge no-no. It's the last thing you want to do without a darned good (I mean someone has died or is about to die kind of) reason. Whenever you cancel date night, you're essentially putting whatever reason it was before your marriage. Stuff happens. Sitters quit or cancel and you're left scrambling to find a suitable alternative. It's better to do a little additional scrambling than to deal with the romantic and relationship fallout of a cancellation.
The same holds true with rearranging plans at the last minute. Once the sitter is lined up and dinner plans are set for the evening, last-minute rearrangements really upset the apple cart doing more harm for the date night cause than good. The bottom line is that if you aren't going to take date night seriously, it's better not to plan to have it at all.
Falling into a Date Night Rut
Whatever you do, don't do the same thing week after week. It becomes monotonous and routine. This is your opportunity to add a little fun and excitement to your relationship. Don't risk it by going to dinner and a movie week after week. Switch it up some and see what a difference it makes not only in your excitement about having a date night but also in your partner's response to date night. Make a date night "bucket list" of things you'd like to do on date night together and have fun granting each other's date night wishes.
Date night can be as exciting or as humdrum as you allow it to be. Make a compact with yourself and one another not to let your date night become a run of the mill experience that's easily taken for granted. Do this and your marriage is sure to be one in which you do not take each other for granted either.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Signs She's Thinking About Leaving and How to Make Her Love You Again
No man wants to entertain the possibility that the object of his affections is considering walking away. However, it's a worry that comes into most relationships at one point or another. Before you jump the gun though, and make assumptions that simply aren't true, it's a good idea to explore these signs she's got leaving on her mind and what you can do to make her love you again.
She's Working Extra Hours
According to a recent Daily Mail UK article, a wife who's suddenly working extra hours, may be thinking about leaving. Many women often see extra hours of work as a type of insurance that they'll be financially able to survive the burden of single living when they do leave the relationship. Ironically, the extra hours worked in the office, did not equate to a more equitable share of household duties, responsibilities, and childrearing.
What can you do to make her love you again if she's working late? Perhaps now is the time to roll out the red carpet and show her what she'll be missing if she does walk away. While you don't have to do it all, make her feel that her extra hours are noticed and that you appreciate the effort she's making on behalf of the family. Pitch in around the house a little bit. Offer her a "night off" during the week. Or simply offer her a back massage - no strings attached (unless she makes the first move). Little things are often what makes or breaks a marriage. Make them work in your favor for a change.
She's Stopped Nagging
While most men initially want to shot joyous expressions from the mountaintops, if your wife suddenly stops nagging, it may not be good news for your marriage. The average male hates few things more than he hates being nagged. It's like getting a running dialog of how you're not measuring up to your wife's expectations. It leaves you feeling angry and small (and not at all inclined to do the deed being requested -- EVER).
Most of the time, you even tune out the nagging completely. If it sounds like your wife's about to start nagging her monologue begins to take on the intonations of the teacher from Charlie Brown cartoons. So it may even take you a while to notice that she's stopped asking/nagging you to do anything. Once you do, you may feel a moment of relief and even excitement that she's finally gotten the message. The problem with that though, is that most of the time it isn't the message you wanted her to get.
Quite often, for women, the decision to quit "nagging" is one that's only made once she's given up on rescuing the relationship. It means that she's not going to try anymore. It's a good sign that leaving is very much on her mind.
What can you do when this is the case? You might have to do something totally out of character to win your wife's affection once again. You need to start by talking to each other. She feels unimportant to you because you're not taking an interest in the things she asks you to do. You feel "put upon" or put down by her because she keeps asking you to do something you do not want to do. Somewhere in the middle is a solution that will work for both of you. But, no one is going to find it if you keep ignoring the problem that's ripping your marriage to shreds.
Sometimes the answers aren't as easy as making her fall in love with you again. Love, after all, isn't always the problem in divorce or breakups. The key is to have those conversations before things get out of hand and leaving is a card she's thinking about playing.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
She's Working Extra Hours
According to a recent Daily Mail UK article, a wife who's suddenly working extra hours, may be thinking about leaving. Many women often see extra hours of work as a type of insurance that they'll be financially able to survive the burden of single living when they do leave the relationship. Ironically, the extra hours worked in the office, did not equate to a more equitable share of household duties, responsibilities, and childrearing.
What can you do to make her love you again if she's working late? Perhaps now is the time to roll out the red carpet and show her what she'll be missing if she does walk away. While you don't have to do it all, make her feel that her extra hours are noticed and that you appreciate the effort she's making on behalf of the family. Pitch in around the house a little bit. Offer her a "night off" during the week. Or simply offer her a back massage - no strings attached (unless she makes the first move). Little things are often what makes or breaks a marriage. Make them work in your favor for a change.
She's Stopped Nagging
While most men initially want to shot joyous expressions from the mountaintops, if your wife suddenly stops nagging, it may not be good news for your marriage. The average male hates few things more than he hates being nagged. It's like getting a running dialog of how you're not measuring up to your wife's expectations. It leaves you feeling angry and small (and not at all inclined to do the deed being requested -- EVER).
Most of the time, you even tune out the nagging completely. If it sounds like your wife's about to start nagging her monologue begins to take on the intonations of the teacher from Charlie Brown cartoons. So it may even take you a while to notice that she's stopped asking/nagging you to do anything. Once you do, you may feel a moment of relief and even excitement that she's finally gotten the message. The problem with that though, is that most of the time it isn't the message you wanted her to get.
Quite often, for women, the decision to quit "nagging" is one that's only made once she's given up on rescuing the relationship. It means that she's not going to try anymore. It's a good sign that leaving is very much on her mind.
What can you do when this is the case? You might have to do something totally out of character to win your wife's affection once again. You need to start by talking to each other. She feels unimportant to you because you're not taking an interest in the things she asks you to do. You feel "put upon" or put down by her because she keeps asking you to do something you do not want to do. Somewhere in the middle is a solution that will work for both of you. But, no one is going to find it if you keep ignoring the problem that's ripping your marriage to shreds.
Sometimes the answers aren't as easy as making her fall in love with you again. Love, after all, isn't always the problem in divorce or breakups. The key is to have those conversations before things get out of hand and leaving is a card she's thinking about playing.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Money Matters - Could You Be Spending Your Way to a Breakup?
The number one cause of breakups and divorces around the world isn't what most people think it is. It isn't infidelity, in spite of the high number of people in relationships admitting to cheating. Instead, it is arguments over money. If spending is a problem in your relationship, then it's time to make serious changes or risk losing the love that's so important to you.
Do You Have Arguments over Your Spending?
There are plenty of things to argue about in relationships today. Most couples don't need any help finding a few meaty bones of contention. However, arguments over money and the financial foundation of the relationship and/or family tend to be some of the weightiest arguments couples today can have. Before you head on over to Divorce Court or book your stay at Heartbreak Hotel, however, it's a good idea to try a few simply strategies to keep your arguments over spending from becoming harbingers of doom for your relationship.
1) Focus on a Solution to Your Spending Dilemma. Instead of feeling guilty, angry, or putout; seek solutions that leave you both feeling as though your voice is being heard and your needs are being met. The key is to come up with those solutions together.
2) Create a Family Budget. Whether yours is a family of two or there are children involved in the relationship, there needs to be a budget that covers everyone as much as possible and leaves everyone with a little money to spend on whatever floats your boat. The secret to success is to keep the purchases small so they can continue and avoid purchases that will unseat the budget for necessities within the month.
3) Keep Separate Accounts. It's one thing to have a joint account for the monthly bills. However, both of you need private money to spend. The best way to do this is to have both of you contributing to the monthly bills and savings from your own accounts and then each of you having a little bit left over at the end of the bills to devote to your own pleasure.
4) Get Help if Spending is Becoming too Big to Handle on Your Own. Some spending issues are simply symptoms of a bigger overall problem. It could be compulsive spending or even a shopping addiction that fills a very real emotional void. If spending is beginning to cause problems with other relationships in your life, then it's time to get help so you can move on to a more normal life than you've experienced in the past.
Spending can be a real problem for relationships -- especially if it's ignored. The problem with spending becoming a problem is that it will never get fixed if it isn't seen for the problem that it is and addressed as a problem and not a minor annoyance.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Do You Have Arguments over Your Spending?
There are plenty of things to argue about in relationships today. Most couples don't need any help finding a few meaty bones of contention. However, arguments over money and the financial foundation of the relationship and/or family tend to be some of the weightiest arguments couples today can have. Before you head on over to Divorce Court or book your stay at Heartbreak Hotel, however, it's a good idea to try a few simply strategies to keep your arguments over spending from becoming harbingers of doom for your relationship.
1) Focus on a Solution to Your Spending Dilemma. Instead of feeling guilty, angry, or putout; seek solutions that leave you both feeling as though your voice is being heard and your needs are being met. The key is to come up with those solutions together.
2) Create a Family Budget. Whether yours is a family of two or there are children involved in the relationship, there needs to be a budget that covers everyone as much as possible and leaves everyone with a little money to spend on whatever floats your boat. The secret to success is to keep the purchases small so they can continue and avoid purchases that will unseat the budget for necessities within the month.
3) Keep Separate Accounts. It's one thing to have a joint account for the monthly bills. However, both of you need private money to spend. The best way to do this is to have both of you contributing to the monthly bills and savings from your own accounts and then each of you having a little bit left over at the end of the bills to devote to your own pleasure.
4) Get Help if Spending is Becoming too Big to Handle on Your Own. Some spending issues are simply symptoms of a bigger overall problem. It could be compulsive spending or even a shopping addiction that fills a very real emotional void. If spending is beginning to cause problems with other relationships in your life, then it's time to get help so you can move on to a more normal life than you've experienced in the past.
Spending can be a real problem for relationships -- especially if it's ignored. The problem with spending becoming a problem is that it will never get fixed if it isn't seen for the problem that it is and addressed as a problem and not a minor annoyance.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Marriage Mistakes Women Make and How to Avoid Them
Marriage is a complex entity that rarely turns out quite the way you envisioned while making plans and picking out China patterns and wedding dresses. It was so much simpler when it was all on paper and everything matched up perfectly. Real life is never quite so neat and tidy.
Unfortunately, many couples put far more thought into planning the details of their marriage without putting a single thought into what's going to happen once the vows are made. If you're getting ready to take your walk down the aisle, keep these mistakes in mind so you can avoid them in your marriage.
Don't Tell Your Friends about Your Problems
It may seem like the thing to do. Your best friend has been by your side through thick and thin over the years. You want to turn to her as a sounding board for your marital troubles. Unfortunately, there's a big problem with that. Your friend loves YOU. The jury's still out on the man you married.
If you're going to her to unload all the negatives, she's going to hate him on your behalf and never give him or your marriage a real chance. Over time, the strain will become problematic and you'll either cut ties with your husband (at your friend's urging) or your friend because she's just too antagonistic towards the man you love.
Don't Expect Him to Change
There's an old saying about men and women and how they view marriage. Men, according to this old saying, find the perfect woman and marry her hoping she'll never change. Women go out and find a great start and marry him hoping to change him. Unfortunately for you, men are reluctant to change and are often actually hurt by your efforts to force them to change.
If you seriously want change in the marriage or the relationship, it's best to begin by making positive changes for yourself. He'll notice those and often want to be part of it, once he decides it's a change for the better and not simply for the sake of change. But if you go in expecting him to change it's going to leave you both feeling disappointed and out of sorts.
Don't Forget to Connect with Your Husband
We nurture many connections in life. We try to build relationships with our children, with our friends, and even with our coworkers. People reach out and connect on social media networks and online message boards in their "after hours". Connections are more important now than ever before.
And yet so many people fail to reach out and make the connection with the one person who is most important to them. They believe they feel it should somehow be automatic and require no active participation in order to keep going. Nothing could be further from the truth. You have to build the bond with shared activities and experiences if you want the bond of marriage to survive the tests of time.
These are small mistakes that can really cost your marriage if you allow them to. Avoid making them and you're sure to have a healthier, happier, and more loving relationship with your husband now and in the years to come.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Unfortunately, many couples put far more thought into planning the details of their marriage without putting a single thought into what's going to happen once the vows are made. If you're getting ready to take your walk down the aisle, keep these mistakes in mind so you can avoid them in your marriage.
Don't Tell Your Friends about Your Problems
It may seem like the thing to do. Your best friend has been by your side through thick and thin over the years. You want to turn to her as a sounding board for your marital troubles. Unfortunately, there's a big problem with that. Your friend loves YOU. The jury's still out on the man you married.
If you're going to her to unload all the negatives, she's going to hate him on your behalf and never give him or your marriage a real chance. Over time, the strain will become problematic and you'll either cut ties with your husband (at your friend's urging) or your friend because she's just too antagonistic towards the man you love.
Don't Expect Him to Change
There's an old saying about men and women and how they view marriage. Men, according to this old saying, find the perfect woman and marry her hoping she'll never change. Women go out and find a great start and marry him hoping to change him. Unfortunately for you, men are reluctant to change and are often actually hurt by your efforts to force them to change.
If you seriously want change in the marriage or the relationship, it's best to begin by making positive changes for yourself. He'll notice those and often want to be part of it, once he decides it's a change for the better and not simply for the sake of change. But if you go in expecting him to change it's going to leave you both feeling disappointed and out of sorts.
Don't Forget to Connect with Your Husband
We nurture many connections in life. We try to build relationships with our children, with our friends, and even with our coworkers. People reach out and connect on social media networks and online message boards in their "after hours". Connections are more important now than ever before.
And yet so many people fail to reach out and make the connection with the one person who is most important to them. They believe they feel it should somehow be automatic and require no active participation in order to keep going. Nothing could be further from the truth. You have to build the bond with shared activities and experiences if you want the bond of marriage to survive the tests of time.
These are small mistakes that can really cost your marriage if you allow them to. Avoid making them and you're sure to have a healthier, happier, and more loving relationship with your husband now and in the years to come.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
How do I Make Him Fall Back in Love with Me?
Relationships often go in cycles. Sometimes things are up and it all seems like smooth sailing. At other times, you drift apart and the waters are choppy and sharks seem to be circling. Sometimes you break up. Other times your relationship simply limps along. That loving feeling you used to have together feels like it's gone for good. But, what if you could get it back? What steps do you need to take to make him fall back in love with YOU?
Treat Yourself Like the Lady You Are
Sometimes you forget to treat yourself like a lady. You forget that you need a little pampering. You need to feed your soul. More importantly, you need to take care of yourself -- physically. You need to eat right, exercise, take care of your skin, get a new hair cut, etc. You need to feel good about the reflection you see in the mirror. You need to do all the things a lady does to feel like someone who deserves to have doors opened for her as well as other acts of chivalry. Once you start treating yourself like a lady, chances are he's going to notice and start treating you like a lady too.
Remember that this is about making you happy. Make changes that matter to you -- that will help you feel better about yourself and more confident. Some of the changes you might consider include:
ï Diet/Weight loss
ï Fitness
ï Makeover
ï Wardrobe update
ï Spa treatment
ï New hair style
ï Manicure
ï Pedicure
ï Teeth whitening
The changes do not have to be drastic in order to have a drastic impact on your self-confidence and outlook on the world around you. Nor, do they need to be major overhauls to get him to take notice. The main take away from this, however, is not that he won't love you if you're imperfect. It is that it is easier for him to fall back in love with you if you aren't busy tearing yourself down for perceived flaws instead.
Fall in Love with the Woman You Are
While it's always good to strive for improvement, it's also important that you love yourself for the woman you are. He will find it much easier to love you all over again if you love yourself as well. I'm not suggesting that you become a woman who is self absorbed or self obsessed. Only that you accept yourself for who you are and find peace with that. Embrace your strengths. Work to change your weaknesses, but don't punish yourself for being human. All of us are. Once you learn to love yourself, you'll be a much happier, person he's likely to find irresistible.
You don't have to move mountains or make miracles to win back his love. Love may ebb and flow over time but it takes a while to go away completely. The odds are in your favor that if he's loved you before, you can easily win back his love once you learn to love yourself too.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Treat Yourself Like the Lady You Are
Sometimes you forget to treat yourself like a lady. You forget that you need a little pampering. You need to feed your soul. More importantly, you need to take care of yourself -- physically. You need to eat right, exercise, take care of your skin, get a new hair cut, etc. You need to feel good about the reflection you see in the mirror. You need to do all the things a lady does to feel like someone who deserves to have doors opened for her as well as other acts of chivalry. Once you start treating yourself like a lady, chances are he's going to notice and start treating you like a lady too.
Remember that this is about making you happy. Make changes that matter to you -- that will help you feel better about yourself and more confident. Some of the changes you might consider include:
ï Diet/Weight loss
ï Fitness
ï Makeover
ï Wardrobe update
ï Spa treatment
ï New hair style
ï Manicure
ï Pedicure
ï Teeth whitening
The changes do not have to be drastic in order to have a drastic impact on your self-confidence and outlook on the world around you. Nor, do they need to be major overhauls to get him to take notice. The main take away from this, however, is not that he won't love you if you're imperfect. It is that it is easier for him to fall back in love with you if you aren't busy tearing yourself down for perceived flaws instead.
Fall in Love with the Woman You Are
While it's always good to strive for improvement, it's also important that you love yourself for the woman you are. He will find it much easier to love you all over again if you love yourself as well. I'm not suggesting that you become a woman who is self absorbed or self obsessed. Only that you accept yourself for who you are and find peace with that. Embrace your strengths. Work to change your weaknesses, but don't punish yourself for being human. All of us are. Once you learn to love yourself, you'll be a much happier, person he's likely to find irresistible.
You don't have to move mountains or make miracles to win back his love. Love may ebb and flow over time but it takes a while to go away completely. The odds are in your favor that if he's loved you before, you can easily win back his love once you learn to love yourself too.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
How Do I Know He Loves Me?
From childhood games with folded paper fortune tellers to Whitney Houston blaring from your ear buds, girls have been asking the same question for eons. As long as love has been a concept in the hearts and minds of humanity, this question has been asked by women.
Men aren't known for being open about their feelings. Some men are more open than others and sometimes it feels like he's telling you what he thinks you want to hear rather than how he really feels. So, how can you really know if he loves you? These are a few hard to mistake signs.
He Reaches Out to You
We live in a day and age where communication is nearly constant. And, yet, for many women it seems like you're always the one reaching out. If he is the first one to
ï Call
ï Text message
ï Instant message
ï Instagram
ï Send messages on Facebook
ï Email
the odds are great that he really has feelings for you he wants to explore. Men who are ambivalent rarely make the first move. They certainly don't go out of their way to send you messages in the morning or call you up out of the blue just to see how your day is going.
He Tells You He Loves You
The "L" word is difficult for many men to utter. Just trying to say it, for some men, makes them feel like their tongues have suddenly become glued to the tops of their mouths. You know, the peanut butter dry mouth syndrome. Even when they feel genuine love for you, it's nearly impossible for men to be the first to make that declaration. If he says he loves you, chances are, he really does. Don't expect him to make Herculean efforts, in your eyes, to prove it. From his perspective, just saying it was Herculean enough.
He Deals with Your Friends and Family
Men don't often tolerate uncomfortable scrutiny. The fact that he's willing to be put on the chopping block of public opinion with your friends and family says a lot about where his heart is. If he keeps going back for more punishment, you've got a real keeper on your hands.
At the end of the day, though, it doesn't matter how often he tells you, what he puts up with to show you, or whether or not he makes the first move. What matters most is whether or not he makes you feel loved BY HIM. No amount of sweat talk or sincere gestures on his part are going to convince you if you don't feel the love he professes.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Men aren't known for being open about their feelings. Some men are more open than others and sometimes it feels like he's telling you what he thinks you want to hear rather than how he really feels. So, how can you really know if he loves you? These are a few hard to mistake signs.
He Reaches Out to You
We live in a day and age where communication is nearly constant. And, yet, for many women it seems like you're always the one reaching out. If he is the first one to
ï Call
ï Text message
ï Instant message
ï Instagram
ï Send messages on Facebook
ï Email
the odds are great that he really has feelings for you he wants to explore. Men who are ambivalent rarely make the first move. They certainly don't go out of their way to send you messages in the morning or call you up out of the blue just to see how your day is going.
He Tells You He Loves You
The "L" word is difficult for many men to utter. Just trying to say it, for some men, makes them feel like their tongues have suddenly become glued to the tops of their mouths. You know, the peanut butter dry mouth syndrome. Even when they feel genuine love for you, it's nearly impossible for men to be the first to make that declaration. If he says he loves you, chances are, he really does. Don't expect him to make Herculean efforts, in your eyes, to prove it. From his perspective, just saying it was Herculean enough.
He Deals with Your Friends and Family
Men don't often tolerate uncomfortable scrutiny. The fact that he's willing to be put on the chopping block of public opinion with your friends and family says a lot about where his heart is. If he keeps going back for more punishment, you've got a real keeper on your hands.
At the end of the day, though, it doesn't matter how often he tells you, what he puts up with to show you, or whether or not he makes the first move. What matters most is whether or not he makes you feel loved BY HIM. No amount of sweat talk or sincere gestures on his part are going to convince you if you don't feel the love he professes.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Building a Better Foundation for Your Marriage
Marriage requires work. This is something most couples don't understand -- at least when walking into the marriage contract. All relationships require work. Business relationships, parenting relationships, and yet, so many people are surprised to discover just how much work is required to make a marriage successful. Some couples do make it look easy. These are the couples, more often than not, who have built their marriages on solid foundations. If you're interested in keeping your marriage on track, getting it back on track, or trying to get it on track from the very beginning, you need to consider these tips for building a better foundation.
Discuss Your Past - Briefly
It's in the past and that's where it needs to remain. Unless you have major secrets you're hiding that could harm your relationship down the road, there isn't much to say about past relationships, connections, and events. That doesn't mean you should attempt to hide things. Only that it isn't necessary to discuss the intimate details of every boy you've kissed from third grade on up. Relationships are often made stronger because of a shared history but the relationships that last are the ones that keep their eyes on the future and are not constantly staring back into the past.
This also works for fights, arguments, disagreements, etc. Leave them in the past and move on. If you can't forgive and forget, find a way to work it out so that you're not constantly dwelling on it. If it's an ongoing problem find a solution that works for you both or it will continue to be a problem for your marriage.
Make Plans for the Future - Keep them Flexible
Flexibility is a word that needs to be a cornerstone for all marriages. It's one thing to have a future mapped out together. You need to have plans for the future. But, you need to avoid sticking to those plans so rigidly that they jeopardize your future together.
Embrace the Moment - You Never Know How Many You'll Have
Life is short. And, it offers no guarantees. You never know how many sunrises and sunsets you'll get in your marriage. Illness, accidents, and even relationship turmoil can rob you of the future you hoped for. Cherish the time you have together. When petty arguments arise, really think, long and hard, if the argument is worth the discord. Decide if it's worth robbing you of the joy of being together -- even for a moment.
Once you build a better foundation for your marriage, based on these principles, you'll see a huge difference in the way you approach problems and work to find solutions. Ultimately, you'll both have a happier marriage that requires less work than many other couples struggling for a future that isn't working for them, rehashing past arguments, or failing to take advantage of the time they have together today.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Discuss Your Past - Briefly
It's in the past and that's where it needs to remain. Unless you have major secrets you're hiding that could harm your relationship down the road, there isn't much to say about past relationships, connections, and events. That doesn't mean you should attempt to hide things. Only that it isn't necessary to discuss the intimate details of every boy you've kissed from third grade on up. Relationships are often made stronger because of a shared history but the relationships that last are the ones that keep their eyes on the future and are not constantly staring back into the past.
This also works for fights, arguments, disagreements, etc. Leave them in the past and move on. If you can't forgive and forget, find a way to work it out so that you're not constantly dwelling on it. If it's an ongoing problem find a solution that works for you both or it will continue to be a problem for your marriage.
Make Plans for the Future - Keep them Flexible
Flexibility is a word that needs to be a cornerstone for all marriages. It's one thing to have a future mapped out together. You need to have plans for the future. But, you need to avoid sticking to those plans so rigidly that they jeopardize your future together.
Embrace the Moment - You Never Know How Many You'll Have
Life is short. And, it offers no guarantees. You never know how many sunrises and sunsets you'll get in your marriage. Illness, accidents, and even relationship turmoil can rob you of the future you hoped for. Cherish the time you have together. When petty arguments arise, really think, long and hard, if the argument is worth the discord. Decide if it's worth robbing you of the joy of being together -- even for a moment.
Once you build a better foundation for your marriage, based on these principles, you'll see a huge difference in the way you approach problems and work to find solutions. Ultimately, you'll both have a happier marriage that requires less work than many other couples struggling for a future that isn't working for them, rehashing past arguments, or failing to take advantage of the time they have together today.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
Why is it So Hard to Move On?
You see some people go through breakups who seem completely unflappable. They never seem to lose their motivation or sense of self the way you have. You can't figure out why you're having such as hard time while other men just move on to the next girl and act as though their worlds haven't stopped turning altogether.
The truth is that for some men, the world hasn't stopped turning. They are able to move on because they never were fully invested in the relationship to begin with. But you can't seem to let go and move on. Is there a reason you're not able to put the past behind you and start to look towards the future again? The truth is there might be three.
1) Your Heart isn't In It?
Your head may be ready to move forward, get out there, and start playing the field, but your heart still belongs to the girl that got away. Your heart has you convinced that there's still a chance, no matter how remote, and you want to try to make it work. You're still hoping to get her back even if your head is telling you it can't happen.
2) You Like What You Had
You're not ready to give up on it. It was good between the two of you once upon a time. You believe, if you could just get her to see things your way, that it could be that good for the two of you again. It makes perfect sense to want to recapture something good that's gotten away from you. It might even be possible. The place where you're fuzzy is on how to make it happen.
3) You Don't Think it's Really Over
You believe that she still have feelings for you. They may be buried deep down inside, but you believe she still loves you. Chances are good that you're right. Unfortunately for you, seeing the cold shoulder you've been getting lately, it seems like those feelings were buried very deep. The longer things go, though, the more time she has to deal with those feelings and put them to rest. That's good news for you because if you play your cards right and give her the space she needs, there's a good chance she'll rediscover that love for you.
The thing to remember is that sometimes, it only takes going through the motions of moving on to realize how you really feel. Or, perhaps more importantly, to force her to confront how she really feels. While it's never good, to play head games with the girl you love, sometimes it helps to let things ride a little while and see where circumstance take you.
Have a PLAN!==>Go for the Making Up Magic!
The truth is that for some men, the world hasn't stopped turning. They are able to move on because they never were fully invested in the relationship to begin with. But you can't seem to let go and move on. Is there a reason you're not able to put the past behind you and start to look towards the future again? The truth is there might be three.
1) Your Heart isn't In It?
Your head may be ready to move forward, get out there, and start playing the field, but your heart still belongs to the girl that got away. Your heart has you convinced that there's still a chance, no matter how remote, and you want to try to make it work. You're still hoping to get her back even if your head is telling you it can't happen.
2) You Like What You Had
You're not ready to give up on it. It was good between the two of you once upon a time. You believe, if you could just get her to see things your way, that it could be that good for the two of you again. It makes perfect sense to want to recapture something good that's gotten away from you. It might even be possible. The place where you're fuzzy is on how to make it happen.
3) You Don't Think it's Really Over
You believe that she still have feelings for you. They may be buried deep down inside, but you believe she still loves you. Chances are good that you're right. Unfortunately for you, seeing the cold shoulder you've been getting lately, it seems like those feelings were buried very deep. The longer things go, though, the more time she has to deal with those feelings and put them to rest. That's good news for you because if you play your cards right and give her the space she needs, there's a good chance she'll rediscover that love for you.
The thing to remember is that sometimes, it only takes going through the motions of moving on to realize how you really feel. Or, perhaps more importantly, to force her to confront how she really feels. While it's never good, to play head games with the girl you love, sometimes it helps to let things ride a little while and see where circumstance take you.
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What Do Men Need from the Women They Love?
Men really do have simple needs when it comes to relationships. Despite their resistance to change, men have adapted well to the falling away from "love, honor, and obey" (mostly the obey part of that to be honest) as the commandment of all things relationship. However, that doesn't imply that they don't have needs of their own that must be addressed in order for them to remain happy in their marriages. In fact, men have very strong needs - though he'll likely never explain them to you. There are three overriding needs, though, that every girl needs to understand and meet in order to have a truly happy relationship with the man she loves.
1) Show Him Respect
You don't have to bow down before him or anything like that. You don't even need to defer to him, although, at the proper moments in the relationship this can really stroke his ego and make him fall even harder in love with you. The main ways to show respect are in how you interact. Don't talk down to him. Don't make him feel inferior. And for goodness sakes, avoid criticism -- especially in the form of nagging -- at all costs. This makes him feel as though you're looking down on him and lack respect for him. It leads to "greener grass syndrome" and other negative feelings about you and your relationship.
It's hard ladies, to get him to do what you want sometimes. That's usually a sign that he really doesn't want to do the job - whatever the job may be. So, you have three choices that don't involve nagging. Make him an offer that makes it worth his while to get the chore done by a specific time or date, do it yourself without holding a grudge (which may be easier said than done), or hire someone else to do it for the sake of the relationship. Even when money is tight, it's sometimes better to pay someone else to do the jobs neither of you are willing to do, but both want done. The respect you're both able to maintain for each other by doing this is worth its weight in gold.
2) Admiration
Think long and hard. When was the first time you paid your handsome man a compliment? How about flirting? Do you engage in a little active flirting when you're out in public, riding in the car, through text messages at the office? When was the last time you let him know that you still think he rocks his Levi's? Little things like this make a huge difference to the man in your life and in your relationship.
3) Loyalty
Never let him doubt your loyalty. There's no bigger relationship killer for men than this. Don't flirt with his best friend - or anyone else for that matter - in an attempt to make him jealous. It will backfire on you every time. Don't let him overhear you talking negatively about him around the girls. Show loyalty at all times and you can expect to receive the same kind of loyalty from him in return.
Don't believe me? Try it out and see how quickly things change between you - for the better.
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1) Show Him Respect
You don't have to bow down before him or anything like that. You don't even need to defer to him, although, at the proper moments in the relationship this can really stroke his ego and make him fall even harder in love with you. The main ways to show respect are in how you interact. Don't talk down to him. Don't make him feel inferior. And for goodness sakes, avoid criticism -- especially in the form of nagging -- at all costs. This makes him feel as though you're looking down on him and lack respect for him. It leads to "greener grass syndrome" and other negative feelings about you and your relationship.
It's hard ladies, to get him to do what you want sometimes. That's usually a sign that he really doesn't want to do the job - whatever the job may be. So, you have three choices that don't involve nagging. Make him an offer that makes it worth his while to get the chore done by a specific time or date, do it yourself without holding a grudge (which may be easier said than done), or hire someone else to do it for the sake of the relationship. Even when money is tight, it's sometimes better to pay someone else to do the jobs neither of you are willing to do, but both want done. The respect you're both able to maintain for each other by doing this is worth its weight in gold.
2) Admiration
Think long and hard. When was the first time you paid your handsome man a compliment? How about flirting? Do you engage in a little active flirting when you're out in public, riding in the car, through text messages at the office? When was the last time you let him know that you still think he rocks his Levi's? Little things like this make a huge difference to the man in your life and in your relationship.
3) Loyalty
Never let him doubt your loyalty. There's no bigger relationship killer for men than this. Don't flirt with his best friend - or anyone else for that matter - in an attempt to make him jealous. It will backfire on you every time. Don't let him overhear you talking negatively about him around the girls. Show loyalty at all times and you can expect to receive the same kind of loyalty from him in return.
Don't believe me? Try it out and see how quickly things change between you - for the better.
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What a Girl Wants - And Why You're the Man to Give it to Her
Relationships with women can be a bit of a mystery to the modern man. It seems that girls today say one thing and want something else. In some ways that's true. Women are constantly at war with a long history of genetic encoding where relationships are concerned and thoroughly modern ideas of what relationships should be. Somewhere in the mix, is a very mixed up girl. However, there are a few things that are almost universally wanted by women in relationships today. Do these things and she's sure to be putty in your hands.
Treat Her Like a Lady
This is one thing that needs to be done in both word and deed. Talk to her and in her presence in a manner that's befitting a lady. It might receive a few raised eyebrows at first, because it's so novel. After a while, however, it will really begin to shape your entire relationship -- especially when you follow up with treating her like a lady. There's nothing wrong with opening doors, leading on the dance floors, and even small acts of chivalry. It's a lost art that many women truly lament. More importantly, most women want to be treated that way, they're just afraid to speak up and ask for it.
Give Her Room to Grow
Just as men don't appreciate being smothered in constant togetherness; women need a little time to pursue interests of their own. Whether it's educational, spiritual, or simply time to go out and connect with the girls, your lady needs to enjoy some space from the relationship so that she can feed the person she is as well as the partner she needs to be for you.
At the same time, it's healthy for you to pursue outside interests such as hobbies, weekly poker night, or even joining a bowling league if that's your thing. You will grow much better together if you're also both growing as individuals in the process.
Be a Partner to Share it All
Relationships are partnerships whether you're entering your first year together or your fiftieth. She needs to know that you're her partner in every aspect of the relationship. She doesn't want to feel as though you're going to run out on her when the real work gets started, dishes need to be washed, or lawns require mowing. Even if you agree on how to split the responsibilities it's important to make those decisions together, as equals.
Relationships today are much simpler than many people try to make them out. Girls are complex creatures to the average man who knows what he wants and isn't afraid to say it. Give her what she wants first; so that she never needs to ask for it, and she'll have a hard time even thinking about looking elsewhere for love.
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Treat Her Like a Lady
This is one thing that needs to be done in both word and deed. Talk to her and in her presence in a manner that's befitting a lady. It might receive a few raised eyebrows at first, because it's so novel. After a while, however, it will really begin to shape your entire relationship -- especially when you follow up with treating her like a lady. There's nothing wrong with opening doors, leading on the dance floors, and even small acts of chivalry. It's a lost art that many women truly lament. More importantly, most women want to be treated that way, they're just afraid to speak up and ask for it.
Give Her Room to Grow
Just as men don't appreciate being smothered in constant togetherness; women need a little time to pursue interests of their own. Whether it's educational, spiritual, or simply time to go out and connect with the girls, your lady needs to enjoy some space from the relationship so that she can feed the person she is as well as the partner she needs to be for you.
At the same time, it's healthy for you to pursue outside interests such as hobbies, weekly poker night, or even joining a bowling league if that's your thing. You will grow much better together if you're also both growing as individuals in the process.
Be a Partner to Share it All
Relationships are partnerships whether you're entering your first year together or your fiftieth. She needs to know that you're her partner in every aspect of the relationship. She doesn't want to feel as though you're going to run out on her when the real work gets started, dishes need to be washed, or lawns require mowing. Even if you agree on how to split the responsibilities it's important to make those decisions together, as equals.
Relationships today are much simpler than many people try to make them out. Girls are complex creatures to the average man who knows what he wants and isn't afraid to say it. Give her what she wants first; so that she never needs to ask for it, and she'll have a hard time even thinking about looking elsewhere for love.
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Three Reasons It's Highly Effective To Get Your Ex Back by Going "No Contact"
Depending on how long you've been trying to get your ex back, or how many times you've tried and failed already, you've probably heard people talking about giving up the concerted efforts you've been making and going "no contact" with your ex.
At first glance that seems like a crazy plan! Right? The idea that you would be able to get your ex back by not trying to get her back sounds absolutely absurd. And yet, it works. In fact, it often works where everything else you've tried in the past has failed. Here are three reasons why.
1) Absence Does Make Hearts Fonder
There's something about not being surrounded by memories, flooded by emotions, and constantly exposed to someone that makes it easier to look past the negative associations and see the positive. Once enough time has passed, the memories of arguments, fights, disagreements, and even petty annoyances fade. All that's left are the good memories and a sense of what she really does miss about you and your relationship.
2) Time Heals Old Wounds
Even if things ended badly between you and things were said that shouldn't have been, time has an amazing way of soothing wounds and healing broken hearts. You'll be amazed by the types of wounds that can be healed when enough time is allowed to pass. Your ex can forgive the little things as well as the big things -- even cheating. But, you have to be willing to allow the right amount of time to pass to allow that to happen. And, the bigger the grievance, the longer time will need to pass before she's truly had time to heal.
3) She Can't Understand What She's Lost Until It's Truly Gone
She'll never understand what she's missing out on without you in her life if you're a constant presence in her life. It's as simple as that. She's never going to take you back if she gets all the benefits of your presence, support, love, and friendship, without being required to return those things. Take a break. Step away. Don't answer when she calls. Then, wait. Wait for her to call you. Because one day she'll realize what she's lost and be ready to call you.
There is a trick to make this work though. You have to take a hard line about it. I'm not saying you need to go out of your way to avoid her forever, though it's a good idea for a little while. You need to give her time and space. You need to wait long enough for her to start remembering the good and forgetting the bad. Most importantly, you need to give you both time to figure out what you want from the relationship and each other the second time around. Then, when the second chance arrives you need to take the time to make sure you're both on the same page about your expectations for the future.
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At first glance that seems like a crazy plan! Right? The idea that you would be able to get your ex back by not trying to get her back sounds absolutely absurd. And yet, it works. In fact, it often works where everything else you've tried in the past has failed. Here are three reasons why.
1) Absence Does Make Hearts Fonder
There's something about not being surrounded by memories, flooded by emotions, and constantly exposed to someone that makes it easier to look past the negative associations and see the positive. Once enough time has passed, the memories of arguments, fights, disagreements, and even petty annoyances fade. All that's left are the good memories and a sense of what she really does miss about you and your relationship.
2) Time Heals Old Wounds
Even if things ended badly between you and things were said that shouldn't have been, time has an amazing way of soothing wounds and healing broken hearts. You'll be amazed by the types of wounds that can be healed when enough time is allowed to pass. Your ex can forgive the little things as well as the big things -- even cheating. But, you have to be willing to allow the right amount of time to pass to allow that to happen. And, the bigger the grievance, the longer time will need to pass before she's truly had time to heal.
3) She Can't Understand What She's Lost Until It's Truly Gone
She'll never understand what she's missing out on without you in her life if you're a constant presence in her life. It's as simple as that. She's never going to take you back if she gets all the benefits of your presence, support, love, and friendship, without being required to return those things. Take a break. Step away. Don't answer when she calls. Then, wait. Wait for her to call you. Because one day she'll realize what she's lost and be ready to call you.
There is a trick to make this work though. You have to take a hard line about it. I'm not saying you need to go out of your way to avoid her forever, though it's a good idea for a little while. You need to give her time and space. You need to wait long enough for her to start remembering the good and forgetting the bad. Most importantly, you need to give you both time to figure out what you want from the relationship and each other the second time around. Then, when the second chance arrives you need to take the time to make sure you're both on the same page about your expectations for the future.
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Six Secrets for a Long Healthy Relationship
We live in a time when people change relationships more often than they change hairstyles. Some people would call them disposable. Easy come. Easy go. But, what happens, when you think you've found the one. You know, the one they wrote epic poems about long ago. The one that makes every other relationship pale by comparison -- at least as far as your relationship experiences are concerned. How do you hold on to this special relationship while so many other couples are unable to make it work?
The key word here is work. You have to work at making relationships last. Fortunately for you, these six secrets for relationship success don't always feel like the hard work they are.
1) Communicate.
You have to communicate effectively with each other. That doesnít simply mean you have to talk to each other. You have to also understand each other and be on the same page about many things in your relationships and in the lives you build together.
2) Connect.
The physical connection between couples is vital to relationship longevity. It goes beyond what takes place in the bedroom however. You really do need the connection of human touch to help solidify your bond. Cuddle together on the couch, hold hands in the theater, and hug each other as often as possible. The more you touch, in a genuine and affectionate manner, generally speaking, the happier you are together.
3) Find common ground.
Every relationship needs a little common ground. These are the areas where the two of you have shared convictions. Sometimes these convictions are based on morals or religion. Other times they're related to causes or politics. Whatever your shared convictions may be, it's a wise plan to cultivate that common ground and grow together.
4) Shared interests.
This is a little different than common ground. Your interests don't have to be on the same scale. However, if you both love the ocean you might find that buying a sailboat, for instance, is a great way to feed the love of sailing the open seas for one while feeding the love of water and sunshine for the other. You both love the ocean and sailing gives you an opportunity to enjoy the thing you both love together.
5) Companionship.
You must spend time together if your relationship is going to work. Otherwise there really isn't a relationship to cultivate. Time is critical. Finding positive ways to spend your time together, even in troubling times, is a great way to build a stronger relationship together -- especially if you're both committed to the cause of making your relationship last.
6) Time apart.
While it's important to spend time as a couple in order to cultivate and grow the relationship, it's also important to enjoy a little time outside of your partner's company. You both need friends on the side for blowing off steam, wise counsel, and a little break from the intensity of the relationship.
These six secrets may not look like all that much on a piece of paper, but over the years, they will all make a huge difference in the strength and resilience of your relationship together. Keep them in mind at all times for best results.
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The key word here is work. You have to work at making relationships last. Fortunately for you, these six secrets for relationship success don't always feel like the hard work they are.
1) Communicate.
You have to communicate effectively with each other. That doesnít simply mean you have to talk to each other. You have to also understand each other and be on the same page about many things in your relationships and in the lives you build together.
2) Connect.
The physical connection between couples is vital to relationship longevity. It goes beyond what takes place in the bedroom however. You really do need the connection of human touch to help solidify your bond. Cuddle together on the couch, hold hands in the theater, and hug each other as often as possible. The more you touch, in a genuine and affectionate manner, generally speaking, the happier you are together.
3) Find common ground.
Every relationship needs a little common ground. These are the areas where the two of you have shared convictions. Sometimes these convictions are based on morals or religion. Other times they're related to causes or politics. Whatever your shared convictions may be, it's a wise plan to cultivate that common ground and grow together.
4) Shared interests.
This is a little different than common ground. Your interests don't have to be on the same scale. However, if you both love the ocean you might find that buying a sailboat, for instance, is a great way to feed the love of sailing the open seas for one while feeding the love of water and sunshine for the other. You both love the ocean and sailing gives you an opportunity to enjoy the thing you both love together.
5) Companionship.
You must spend time together if your relationship is going to work. Otherwise there really isn't a relationship to cultivate. Time is critical. Finding positive ways to spend your time together, even in troubling times, is a great way to build a stronger relationship together -- especially if you're both committed to the cause of making your relationship last.
6) Time apart.
While it's important to spend time as a couple in order to cultivate and grow the relationship, it's also important to enjoy a little time outside of your partner's company. You both need friends on the side for blowing off steam, wise counsel, and a little break from the intensity of the relationship.
These six secrets may not look like all that much on a piece of paper, but over the years, they will all make a huge difference in the strength and resilience of your relationship together. Keep them in mind at all times for best results.
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Relationship Help - Money Management Communication is Key to Happy Home
Money isn't the root of all evil, but evidence suggests it is the leading cause of separations and divorces throughout the world. Even if both partners agree to the overall idea that they need to manage their money better, problems arise, when they disagree over how to manage the money or have miscommunications regarding who is or isn't going to do what with the money.
Here are a few universal truths to keep your money management plan for a happy marriage from falling apart as rapidly as your marriage.
Make Sure Both Partners have Some "Fun" Money of their Own
Invariably there is one person who makes more money than the other in the relationship. Neither partner should be investing 100 percent of earnings into the bill, family, and grocery till. Both of you need a little extra money to pursue things that are important and enjoyable to you without jeopardizing the entire family budget. In order words, you need to plan a set amount for fun money, for each of you, before you do anything else.
Don't Overlook the Children
Invariably when this happens, the responsibility of giving the kids fun money falls on one parent or the other and it almost always comes from the "fun" money fund - rendering it not so fun. Whether it's setting aside funds for allowances, school needs, clothing, entertainment, sports, etc. those expenses need to be factored into the family budget and a set amount of spending for these things needs to be determined as well.
Choose Areas of Drastic Spending Restraints Together
Both voices in the relationship need to chime in where major spending cuts are concerned. Sacrifices need to be made on all sides of the equation if you're going to set financial goals and plan for a financial future together. Otherwise, why are you working to save for the future at all? It's about togetherness and shouldn't feel as a punishment for one person while the other person is making few, if any concessions.
Put it All in Writing
Iron out the details. Write it down. Make a copy. You both must be on the same page when it comes to the new family budget and money management efforts if either of you are going to be happy with the outcome. More importantly, seeing the revised plan on paper gives you both the opportunity to see if there are any spending weaknesses, forgotten expenses, or other concerns that have been overlooked in your plan.
It seems like such a simple step, and yet, so much can be riding on working it out amiably. Don't let your relationship go down without a fight because one of you has a hard time managing money. Sit down and work on a plan that promises success.
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Here are a few universal truths to keep your money management plan for a happy marriage from falling apart as rapidly as your marriage.
Make Sure Both Partners have Some "Fun" Money of their Own
Invariably there is one person who makes more money than the other in the relationship. Neither partner should be investing 100 percent of earnings into the bill, family, and grocery till. Both of you need a little extra money to pursue things that are important and enjoyable to you without jeopardizing the entire family budget. In order words, you need to plan a set amount for fun money, for each of you, before you do anything else.
Don't Overlook the Children
Invariably when this happens, the responsibility of giving the kids fun money falls on one parent or the other and it almost always comes from the "fun" money fund - rendering it not so fun. Whether it's setting aside funds for allowances, school needs, clothing, entertainment, sports, etc. those expenses need to be factored into the family budget and a set amount of spending for these things needs to be determined as well.
Choose Areas of Drastic Spending Restraints Together
Both voices in the relationship need to chime in where major spending cuts are concerned. Sacrifices need to be made on all sides of the equation if you're going to set financial goals and plan for a financial future together. Otherwise, why are you working to save for the future at all? It's about togetherness and shouldn't feel as a punishment for one person while the other person is making few, if any concessions.
Put it All in Writing
Iron out the details. Write it down. Make a copy. You both must be on the same page when it comes to the new family budget and money management efforts if either of you are going to be happy with the outcome. More importantly, seeing the revised plan on paper gives you both the opportunity to see if there are any spending weaknesses, forgotten expenses, or other concerns that have been overlooked in your plan.
It seems like such a simple step, and yet, so much can be riding on working it out amiably. Don't let your relationship go down without a fight because one of you has a hard time managing money. Sit down and work on a plan that promises success.
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